I know this blog is horribly late but I wanted to be sure to acknowledge Jason and my tenth wedding anniversary.
Jason and I first met in June 2000 at a house party. We barely spoke that night but ran into each other quite a bit that summer as we had mutual friends. Our first "date" was on labour day - we went to the zoo and then to an imax movie. I wasn't exactly sure if it was a date as he had a friend of mine call me to invite me to come up to Calgary to join him. We went out quite a few times during the next two months. Then Jason told me that he was moving to Calgary to start a new job at Aurum Dental and he wasn't sure if he could do the "long distance" thing. I told him of course he could because I was up in Calgary all the time to visit my cousin Sheri - I wasn't letting him go that easily! A few days later out of the blue my cousin Janelle's husband called me and offered me a job as his office manager at his sign company in Calgary. I was getting tired of my current job (I'd been there 13 years), and was ready for a change, and there was also the fact that Jason was going to be in Calgary so I jumped at the chance. Two weeks later mid November I was up in Calgary starting my new job, and Jason followed 2 weeks later.
We had lots of fun dating each other, and I knew I was falling in love and was desperately hoping that Jason was feeling the same. New Year's Day we were hanging out at my place and I finally got the nerve to tell Jason that I loved him - I still can't believe I found the courage to say it first! He told me he loved me too - the best day ever! The next day we were watching a movie at my house and it was starting to get late. Jason turned to me and said "I don't want this to end", I looked at the time and replied "well it is kind of getting late and I work tomorrow", he answered "no, I mean I don't want THIS to end ..... will you marry me?" At first I wasn't sure he had actually meant to say it - but I of course said yes and the rest is history.
We were married 3 months later on March 24th, 2001 in the Cardston Alberta Temple.
This was our engagement picture - sorry for the quality I had to scan it. |
Our wedding was beautiful. We were so happy and so many of our family and friends were there to enjoy the day with us. We had a family dinner in Cardston hosted by Jason's mom and then travelled to Champion for a Calling Reception. Mom had prepared a great spread, the gym was decorated really beautifully and we had a string quartet playing music for everyone. After we headed to Edmonton for our honeymoon. We stayed at the Bridal Suite at the Fantasyland Hotel.
Our Bridal Party - look how tiny Cora was! |
For our tenth anniversary this year we decided to be nostalgic and headed back up to Edmonton to stay for a couple of days. We didn't stay in the Bridal Suite but got a gorgeous executive room with a jacuzzi hot tub.
It was so great for just the two of us to get away. Mom came and stayed with the boys and we found out after we got home that she had been sick the whole time we were away. She assured us that the boys were good, but I felt so bad that she'd been sick.
It was such a good time - I only wished it had been longer. We relaxed, shopped, went for dinner, went to movies, soaked in the hot tub and just enjoyed each other's company. How grateful I am that we have found each other. I know in my heart that we were meant for each other. Thanks hunny for the best 10 years and I look forward to what the future holds for us.
Anniversary Flowers - I love getting flowers! |