Age - 6 months (October 7th, 2014)
Weight - 17.9 pounds
Wears 6 month clothes with a few 3-6 month clothes still fitting.
Eyes have changed colour. More green with a bit of blue like me.
Hair (what little there is) still quite dark.
Very active, rolling everywhere.
Grabs and plays with toys ( EVERYTHING goes in her mouth)
Can sit unassisted for a short period of time.
Babbling alot, sometimes so loud we can't hear the TV.
Loves her family and smiles all the time.
Giggles - but mostly for just Bowen and Ashton.
Always sleeps through the night (can't remember when she woke up before 7 am)
Has started eating solids (rice cereal, carrots and bananas so far)
Cadence you are an amazing little girl - Happy 1/2 Birthday!!