Another month has gone by. Seven months now with our baby girl. She changes every day and is so much fun. She is awake for a good portion of the day and has become a bit more demanding - but who can say no to that face.
Age - 7 months (November 7th, 2014)
Weight - not sure around 18 pounds (will update after vaccinations in a couple weeks)
Sleeps - 10 - 12 hours a night
Naps - 3 - 4 cat naps during the day
Hair - Starting to fill in, dark colour (I'm so surprised)
Wears 6 - 9 month clothes
Shoe size - 2
Eyes - Blue/Green
Eating - Breast milk, formula, beginner solids (rice, oat cereals, sweet potatoes, carrots, peas, squash, beans, pears, apples, bananas, cantaloupe, peaches), and Mum Mums
Very active - rolling, moving forward slightly, gets up on knees and rocks
Can sit up unassisted - but may throw herself back at any time
Loves remote controls and the phone
No teeth yet
Trying out her new Munchkin, you put a piece of fruit inside and then she sucks and gnaws on it and makes a complete mess!! |
Trying to look around the camera to see me - love it!! |
So adorable I can barely stand it - we love you baby girl!!