Mother's Day was lovely this year. Church was nice, and all the ladies were given a beautiful rose and a little Toblerone chocolate bar. Afterward, as I was waiting on the couch for my family so we could leave Cadence came running towards me holding a present she'd made for me at nursery. She wouldn't let her dad help her carry it and she had the biggest smile on her face. She was so proud and excited to give it to me.
I can't wait to frame it and hang it in our home. I love it!! |
When we got home from church, the boys insisted I sit in my favorite spot on the couch. They got me a drink and a snack and found me a show to watch. Ashton made me a buzzer so I could get their attention whenever I needed anything.
They also got me a cute clock for my music room, and a Doris Day, Rock Hudson movie - love!! Bowen made me a cute card with a poem he wrote, it goes:
I love this lady named mum.
She is so wonderfully fun
She's texting her sister,
who's such a good listener.
I can't believe she is my MUM.
It was so nice to have a relaxing afternoon. I even fit in a little nap while Jason and the boys prepared dinner. When Jason makes me dinner I always know I'm in for a treat.
Bowen set the table like a fancy restaurant and before I knew it I was being served a delicious dinner.
First course - crab salad canapes with smoked paprika. Jason has made these for me before - one of my favorites! |
Second course - Caesar salad. Jason makes a delicious homemade caesar salad dressing. |
Third course - Carrot soup. This was so delicious - I could have eaten the whole pot. |
The wait staff was just excellent. Bowen would kiss me everytime he'd come over to the table. I told him I was going to have to speak to management about the sexual harassment I was experiencing at this restaurant. He laughed and said "but you're my mom". I hope he never gets too old to kiss me!
Main course - steak with mushroom reduction, rice pilaf, asparagus, and roasted pear and onion. It was superb! |
Cadence was originally going to help serve but she decided she'd rather eat. I can't say I blame her.
Her favorite was the crab salad. |
Dessert - vanilla pudding, strawberry, and chocolate ganache parfait topped with whipped cream and a chocolate strawberry. I was so full but still managed to finish it - I couldn't help it, so yummy! |
I have an amazing husband to pull off such wonderful surprises for me. Even amidst a small disaster. As he was preparing dinner he was taking a plate away from Cadence and his hand was a bit wet and it slipped from his fingers and the pyrex plate shattered into a million pieces all over our island and floor. He even had to throw away food that was on the island.
I missed seeing my mom on Mother's Day, but I hope she knows how much I love her and what she means to me.
I am so grateful to be a mom. It is all I ever really wanted - to be a wife and mother. I will never take for granted what a miracle my children are (including Kenneth). I am so blessed!