Blog Title Explanation

"Oh I Know" is a phrase used by Sybil Fawlty on one of my favorite shows - Fawlty Towers. I find I say it alot too!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

New Calling

I received a new calling at church on Sunday.  I'm now the Primary President.  I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed, but mostly excited to be back working with the great kids in our ward.  About 6 months ago I was released from being the Primary Chorister to work in the Young Women's.  I am really grateful I had that opportunity as I really got to know the girls.  I hadn't known them very well before but now feel I've made relationships with them.  I will miss them.  They gave me the sweetest card.  I gave them each a little bag of jelly beans with the note - It's "bean" great!  I will miss being in Young Womens.  I will really try and keep up with them and how they are doing.

Some great women have agreed to be my counsellors - Rita Wilde, Robyn Ausmus and Rosa Conrad will be our secretary.  I'm excited to get to know all of these women better.  As the Primary Chorister has just recently moved I was asked to fill in and do singing time for the children on Sunday.  I decided I would take some fresh flowers and write songs on each one and have the children take turns picking a flower and putting them into a vase and then we would sing the song.  After singing time I had the oldest 4 children come up and divide up the bouquet and present it to the outgoing presidency.  A few tears were shed.  It is always hard to leave a calling, and these women really love the children.  As I was sharing some thoughts I looked down at Bowen who was upset and crying.  I asked him later what was the matter and he said he was sad the leaders were leaving.  So sweet.  I hope I'll be able to do a good job and help these sweet kids know their Heavenly Father loves them.

Do you let your kids have halloween candy for breakfast?  This is how I found my boys when I got up yesterday morning.

This morning after Bowen and I had dropped Ashton off at the school bus Bowen says to me "I'm going to have a piece of my halloween candy, if you don't mind".  How do you say no to that? 


  1. Congratulation! Are you glad you got called right after the primary presentation? You will be good at this.
