Blog Title Explanation

"Oh I Know" is a phrase used by Sybil Fawlty on one of my favorite shows - Fawlty Towers. I find I say it alot too!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Primary Worker Appreciation Luncheon

For the past two days in participation for a luncheon today mom came up to help me make chocolates as a gift for our primary workers.  We made fondant (flavors - peppermint, maple walnut, coconut and cherry) and then we spent Friday dipping.  I feeling much more confident in my chocolate making skills and really enjoy the process.  My dipping is getting better as well.  It will never be as good as my moms (who is the chocolate dipping queen), but I'm not embarrassed to give them to people. 

I bagged up 4 chocolates for each person, and still had lots left over to put on the table.

Today my presidency and I put on a primary worker appreciation luncheon.  We invited all the teachers, music leaders, nursery teachers, activity girl leaders, cub leader etc.  We invited about 20 people.  13 of us were able to come.  We had everyone over to my house at 1:00 p.m.  I made chicken salad croissants,  Dyane made a delicious fresh vegetable salad, and Stephanie brought yummy homemade chocolate chip cookies and hot chocolate.

I think everyone had a good time and I hope they felt appreciated.  I am very grateful for wonderful counsellors who are so helpful to me and wonderful primary workers who do so much for our primary kids. 
First successful party of the Christmas season - check!


  1. That is a really great idea. Sounds like a lot of work. Your chocolates look great. Mine were awful. Way worse then when I started. They are hiding in the basement and only the family is allowed to eat them:(

  2. You are amazing Lainie. Such a lot of work, and so kind of you to do this for your teachers and workers. They will always remember your efforts. Your chocolates look delicious.......You are ahead of the game for christmas, but bet you are making more..Glad your mom was up to help you.
    Love, AUnt Sheila
