Blog Title Explanation

"Oh I Know" is a phrase used by Sybil Fawlty on one of my favorite shows - Fawlty Towers. I find I say it alot too!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Photo A Day April 30th - Something That Makes You Sad

No picture today.  I've had a hormonal weekend and had kind of a lousy day yesterday so I've been trying to think positively, have happy thoughts and feel better today.  So I don't want to focus on something that makes me sad.  So instead, I'll just say I am sad that today is the last day of the Photo A Day challenge I've been doing for April.  It has been alot of fun and I may do another month later in the year.  But for now - it's over!  I'm a little sad!


  1. Hope you have a better day Lainie. Think happy thoughts, smile, be positive......things could be alot worse.
    Others care about you and want the best for you and your sweet family.
    Love you , AUnt Sheila

  2. I had fun looking at the photos each day. Look forward to when you do it again later. Cora only made it to day 4 or 5.
