Blog Title Explanation

"Oh I Know" is a phrase used by Sybil Fawlty on one of my favorite shows - Fawlty Towers. I find I say it alot too!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Minute to Win It

On Saturday we had a Choose the Right - Minute to Win It Activity for the Primary children in our ward.  We had 21 children in attendance.  We split them into 3 groups.  We would ask them a choose the right question and whichever team answered correctly first would be able to choose from the minute to win it board which game would be played.

We had all of our supplies ready and as each game was selected we'd quickly set up the game and a child from each team would participate.
Ashton was the first to answer correctly and immediately wanted to play "Nose Dive".  You put petroleum jelly on your nose and without using your hands transfer 5 cotton balls from one plate to another.  Ashton won this event!

Next up was Dizzy Mummy.  In this game one child wraps another child in a streamer.

Then they played Egg Roll, where they had to roll an egg from one end of the gym to the other by blowing it with a straw.  Bowen won this game, but somehow I didn't take a picture of him!

The Tissue Toss was fun to watch.  You have to empty a kleenex box as fast as possible.  Sarah was soooo fast!
Then we had a team game passing a frisbee between their knees down the line of kids.
Next was Bucket Head.  One kid holds a bucket on their head while another tosses ping pong balls into the bucket.

Another favorite was Magic Carpet.  It was done like a relay - you sit on a towel and have to inch your way down around a bucket and back.
Then we played Stack Attack.  The object was to see who could build their tower the tallest.  We played several rounds of this game.

One of our primary teachers tried out the next game - Junk in the Trunk.  You fill an empty kleenex box with ping pong balls tied around your waist and then shake your trunk until all the ping pong balls fall out.
The next event Noodling Around was hard.  You take a piece of uncooked spaghetti and hold it in your mouth and try to pick up 5 pieces of penne pasta without using your hands. 
My favorite game was Elephant March.  We put a tennis ball in the leg of a pantyhose and then put the hose on the child's head.  Without using their hands they had to swing the pantyhose like an elephant trunk and knock down bottles.  The boys didn't appreciate having nylons on their heads - hilarious!!
Then we had a couple of relay races.  The first a Hawaiian Relay.  They had to put on a hat, lei and sunglasses and then run to the end of the gym and back, then the next child put the stuff on and run etc.  It was fun to watch.  The floppy summer hats kept falling off their heads.
And the second relay was running to the end and back with a balloon between their knees. (I don't know why some of these pictures are so yellow!)
Last was the Cookie Face Race - always a favorite - you take an oreo cookie and place it on your forehead and without using your hands try and move the cookie down to your mouth.
We gave the kids a juice box and rice krispie square and it was time to go home.  The kids had alot of fun and it was an easy activity to organize and super easy clean up.  My family, as always were such a big help and my counsellors as well.  Another primary activity checked off the list.  Now to start thinking of ideas for Christmas!


  1. Fantastic!!! I loved this. They all look so fun. I think that would be a great birthday party activity. I am totally going to copy you... Someday.

  2. It looks like it was a great success! I too am going to copy you and do this for our Primary! Thank you for being so creative and sharing with us! You are an amazing Primary President, it would be so much fun working with you Lalainia! See you guys on Saturday! Have a great rest of the week!
