Blog Title Explanation

"Oh I Know" is a phrase used by Sybil Fawlty on one of my favorite shows - Fawlty Towers. I find I say it alot too!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Sensational, Inspirational, Celebrational, Musicational

Last night wrapped up a busy year of teaching music!  I taught final lessons during the week.  I had made toffees for all my students, report cards and summer practise charts.

Thursdays students all ready to go!
I was also busy getting ready for the recital.  A couple of weeks ago I made chocolates, this week I made sugar cookies.

My mom came up on Friday and we got the rest of the food ready.   I had sausage, pepperoni, salami, cheese, crackers, pickles, veggie platters (celery, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, radishes, red peppers), fruit platters (strawberries, cantaloupe, grapes, watermelon), and cookies and chocolates for dessert.  We spent several hours cutting everything up. 

Then we gathered up everything we would need to take to the church for the recital.  I should have taken a picture of everything we hauled - it was ridiculous.  Two guitars, guitar stands, music, stool, flowers, programs, food, platters, table cloths, plates, cups, napkins, water dispenser, stereo.

While Jason and I got the guitars, sound system, tables set up my mom was busy in the kitchen putting all the food on platters.  I don't know what I'd do without my family to help me.  Even the boys and Emry pitched in.  Mom puts all the food out and keeps it stocked so that I can talk to students and parents.

The recital went so well.  Everyone did great.  After Bowen finished his first little song and everyone starting clapping he looked at the audience and gave a thumbs up - he made everyone giggle!  It was a nice program with piano numbers, guitar pieces, and beautiful singing.  I finished up the night with playing Brahms "Waltz in A flat", and singing "Crazy".

After the recital we assembled all the kids in the hall for a picture.  What a great group of kids.  I love teaching music!

Then it was time for refreshments!  I had made some music confetti on my cricut and spread it on the food tables.

I had such a nice time visiting with my students and their families.  I also received several really nice gifts - flowers, chocolates, bath items, gift certificates to Spa Nail, Chapters, Starbucks.  Now to have a bit of a break before it all starts again in September!


  1. looks great Lainie. You are so brave to feed them all. I can't do that, with over 350 in the audience. Guess that is why I spoil the kids all during the last few weeks, with dilly bars, chips, popcorn.
    Now relax and enjoy your summer. That is what I am doing in Phoenix. Trying to unwind and relax, before it all starts again. Looks like you had more students this year. That is good, once you start you will always have students.

  2. What a wonderful evening! Thank you again for letting Emry be apart of it even though she isn't one of your students! I really wish we could have been there, definitely next year! You truly do deserve a break and all those kids sure are lucky to have you as their teacher! If only we lived even half an hour closer it would be worth it to drive Emry up to you to take lessons from the best teacher ever! Thanks again Lalainia, I can't wait to see you guys! Love Amber

  3. That is an insane amount of food. I heard it took hours and hours to prepare. You always do so much and go the extra mile to make things great. I laughed when I heard of Bowen's thumbs up. Wish I could have seen that.
