Blog Title Explanation

"Oh I Know" is a phrase used by Sybil Fawlty on one of my favorite shows - Fawlty Towers. I find I say it alot too!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Shattering Standards & Pans

Does anyone else feel like their kids are always off school?  For some reason there was no school yesterday.  I don't have students on Fridays and Jason was home early so we decided to take the boys to a matinee.  The Amazing Spiderman was playing at the cheap theatre so we headed out.  Jason had seen it before and felt it would be appropriate for our boys even though it is rated PG.

We're sitting in the theatre, enjoying our popcorn, and the previews start.  The first one was for Total Recall - kind of violent I thought considering what we had come to see.  Then a preview for The Avengers - that made more sense, the boys have already seen that movie.  Then the final preview for ...  wait for it ... Magic Mike!  Really!!!  My 8 and 6 year old are watching a preview for a movie about male strippers.  Good grief!  I thought that movie was rated R.  Do the theatres even consider the audience for the movie they are currently playing?

Anyways the boys enjoyed the movie and it was mostly appropriate for them.  I think I heard one swear word and Bowen got a little scared in one scene.  But they both said they liked it.

My dad's side of the family is having a reunion on Saturday (it is going to feel so strange him not being there) and I needed to make chicken salad for it.  So I thought I'd cook up the chicken before I headed to bed so I'd only have to make it up in the morning.  I put the chicken in my glass pyrex 9 x 13 pan and into the oven.  About 20 minutes later Jason was in the kitchen and heard this huge explosion from the oven.  He nervously looked in and discovered this ...

I can't tell you how grateful I am I wasn't cooking a lasagna.  Time to go shopping for a new pan!

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