Blog Title Explanation

"Oh I Know" is a phrase used by Sybil Fawlty on one of my favorite shows - Fawlty Towers. I find I say it alot too!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Photo A Day Apr 7th/13 - Dreamy

I had a dreamy weekend with my husband.  Jason needed to attend an AGM in Edmonton for work and I decided to tag along.  Mom agreed to come up and watch the boys so we headed out on Saturday morning.  Jason dropped me off at the West Edmonton Mall and he headed over to his meeting.  I spent a few hours hanging out at the mall then Jason met up with me when he was finished at 4:00 p.m.

We checked into our room at the Fantasyland Hotel.  We had a lovely room with a king size bed and jacuzzi hot tub.  We then went and did some shopping - spending much more money than we should have.  As I was browsing through the store Bombay a picture caught my eye, I couldn't stop looking at it.  I asked Jason if he like it, he said he did.  He said to me "you know what I like most about it", I answered "what?"  He replied "the look in your eyes when you look at it".  What a sweet husband I have.  So needless to say, when we noticed it was on sale - we bought the picture.

We've hung it on the dining room wall.  We took down the shelf and moved my lemon picture.  It looks gorgeous!  It's about 3 feet square - quite large and I can't stop looking at it.

Then we had a yummy supper at Earls, went back to our room for a much needed soak in the tub and finished up watching a movie.

Jason purchased a new sword. I made one other fun little purchase for me - a new cookie jar!

So cute!  You can put treats in the red ceramic part or in the glass bowl.  I'm thinking I need to make some more cookies soon.

It was a dreamy weekend - but far too short.  Back to the grind in the morning.  I always appreciate spending time alone with my hubby.  I'm a lucky girl!


  1. I love your picture too. Now to dream of having a piano like that. I have always wanted a grand.....but will never have one, so the picture is beautiful. Glad you had a lovely time in Edmonton together.
    Love, Aunt Sheila

  2. What a sweet comment!! love the picture and the cookie jar. Very cool. Cora was wondering what you did for air. She took a picture of a steaming cup of water then decided she didn't like it so spelled out air on the scrabble board. She was waiting to see yours.
