Blog Title Explanation

"Oh I Know" is a phrase used by Sybil Fawlty on one of my favorite shows - Fawlty Towers. I find I say it alot too!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

10 Months Old

Double digits!!  Alright it's only months, but still - our baby girl is 10 months old today!

Age - 10 months, February 7th, 2015
Weight - 21.5 lbs approx.
Hair - getting thicker, and still really dark
Teeth - none
Standing without holding onto anything for a few seconds
Walking along furniture
Can climb stairs
Eating - nursing, formula, baby food, little bits of table food
(as long as it's tiny, see above - no teeth)
Sleeps - 12 hours a night
Naps - once or twice a day
Very vocal - babbles, and loves to growl
Loves to play with her toys
Is quick to smile - has a very pleasant personality
Has a cute laugh - mostly for her brothers

Trying egg yolks, Had lots of fun smashing it all over her tray before eating it!

Happy 10 Months Cadence!  We love you!!


  1. She is so flippin cute. What a little doll. Growing and getting more beautiful as the time goes on. What a fun little gal you have.
    Love every minute, they grow up way too fast. Happy 10 months old sweet Cadence.

  2. Time is sure flying. She is getting so big. Can't wait until she is walking.
