Blog Title Explanation

"Oh I Know" is a phrase used by Sybil Fawlty on one of my favorite shows - Fawlty Towers. I find I say it alot too!

Friday, April 8, 2016

2 Years Old

Our sweet Cadence turned 2 years old yesterday.  I can't believe it!  These past two years have gone by so incredibly fast.  Cadence is an amazing little girl.  She is full of personality.  She makes us all laugh every day.  When I was asking her yesterday how old she was usually she would answer 2, but sometimes she would say 10.  That is Cadence in a nutshell.  She is so anxious to grow up.  She seems so much more grown up than her 2 years.  Her vocabulary is ridiculous - you can totally have a little conversation with her with complete sentences.  She is such a joy (and a bit of a menace) to have around.  She certainly has completed our family.

Age - 24 months (April 7th, 2016)
Weight - 28.5 lbs
Seems tall for her age but not sure of exact height
Wears size - 24 months, 2T clothes
Wears size 5 - 6 shoes
Tons of brown curly hair
Has 11 teeth
Loves to eat - often tells me she is hungry, and wants to sit and have her plate
Favorite Toys - her babies, play food, and lego
Favorite shows - Toopy and Binoo, Curious George, Bubble Guppies
Loves to go to nursery at church.  After every hymn during sacrament meeting she asks us "I go?"
Gives kisses and hugs - but only when SHE wants to.
Dances when she hears music.
Likes to sing action songs and knows all the actions.
Will play the piano while saying/singing "Twinkle, twinkle, star".
Has a huge vocabulary and says new words every day.
Can count to 3, and then knows 8, 9, 10 (we're working on the middle numbers).
Likes to draw and colour.
Loves bath time, except when its time to wash her hair (still not a fan).
Gets into absolutely EVERYTHING.

So grateful for our little miracle from heaven.  Happy Birthday Cadence!