Blog Title Explanation

"Oh I Know" is a phrase used by Sybil Fawlty on one of my favorite shows - Fawlty Towers. I find I say it alot too!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Family Day Weekend

I have a love/hate relationship with long weekends.  The kids were off school Thursday, Friday and Monday.  Oh my - that's a long time with my children.  Don't get me wrong I love them to bits, but a mom needs a break once in a while.  Luckily for me my mom came through for us and came up on Saturday for a visit.  She offered to stay home with the boys so Jason and I could have some much needed one on one time.  We kissed her thanks and ran out the door.  We went for a very nice dinner at Red Lobster.  Now I realize that the Red Lobster is not exactly high brow - but it was lobster fest!  Can we say delicious!  I loooove lobster!  My meal was so yummy and it didn't break the bank.

Mom stayed up for the entire weekend so we thought on Monday we'd take everyone to a movie for Family Day.  I had suggested "The Muppet Movie" at the cheap theatre - but that got quickly overruled by the three men in the family.  You see, George Lucas in his effort to make even "more" money is rereleasing all the Star Wars movies in 3D into theatres.  So of course we had to go see that.  Just last week the boys had bought Star Wars t-shirts so Jason ran to Walmart to see if he could find one too.  Unfortunately they didn't have any in his size.  I keep trying to tell him that shirts like that aren't for grown men, but he doesn't understand that. 

The movie was fun and it was worth it to Jason to spend every penny to see Bowen on the edge of his seat enjoying every moment.  He kept explaining to Grandma who everyone was and on what level he plays this scene on his DS or Wii Star Wars games.  Only 5 more movies to go.  Wish me luck!

It was wonderful to have my mom visit this weekend.  I love spending time with her.  She was also able to give the boys haircuts.  Thank goodness!  Ashton had been complaining his hair was getting so long it was hard for him to see.  Now to clean the house and do a mountain of laundry.  At least the boys are back in school!


  1. After your boys talking about Star Wars my kids wanted to see it. So we did. Once! I hope to never see it again:)

  2. Jared and I haven't even seen the last three, which really are the first three, right!? Anyway I am glad you guys had a good weekend, and thank you for letting us steal your mom for the week while we were away!!
