Blog Title Explanation

"Oh I Know" is a phrase used by Sybil Fawlty on one of my favorite shows - Fawlty Towers. I find I say it alot too!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday Weigh In - Third Times the Charm

Why is it so hard to stay on a diet?  For starters I know I shouldn't call it a diet, it's a "lifestyle change".  But really let's be honest it's a diet!  I love food!  I always have.  I eat when I'm happy, I eat when I'm sad,  I eat when I'm worried, I eat when I'm bored (especially when I'm bored).  I'm sure it stems from my childhood - so that means I can blame my mother, right!  Just kidding! 
I've got all the tools at my disposal.  I know exactly what I need to do to lose weight.  For some reason I'm good for awhile and then I lose my motivation, or get busy and I lose focus. 

So anyways I'm back for round 3.  Third times the charm!  I didn't want to but this morning I made myself get back on the scale and see what I've done to myself.  Well I haven't gained everything back, but from when I first starting blogging about my weight loss I've now only lost 10.5 pounds.

Fresh start!  This week I will track my food intake, and exercise 3 times.  I'll be back next Friday to report my progress.

My friend dying this week has thrown me for a loop.  It sort of threw my own mortality in my face and it scared me.  I'm not ready to go anywhere and I know I need to get a better handle on my health.  I don't like having to take pills for high blood pressure and stomach issues.  I also know that if I lost enough weight I probably wouldn't need either drug.  I need to do this for my family.  I need to do this for me!

I'm tired of being winded carrying laundry up the stairs.  I want to have the energy to play with my kids and run my household the way I want to.  I'm already probably one of the oldest moms in my kids circle of friends - I don't want to be the heaviest too!

So there it is - the good, the bad, and the ugly.  If any of you out there (my "few" faithful readers) have fabulous ideas to help me stay motivated I'd love to hear them.  They say it takes a village to raise a child - maybe it will take a "blogging" village to help me lose weight!  Til next Friday.


  1. I was wondering what was happening with your weight loss. Good luck. I have no advice. If I did I would be losing weight too and I'm not, there are to many good recipes out there to try. Good Luck we are rooting for you.

  2. Oh Lalainia! I truly admire your stamina! If you haven't noticed I gave up a long time ago! It shouldn't be so hard but it is! I would love to find the perfect answer to making weight loss and healthy living a success (did I mention, an overnight success!!!!!!)! Wait, I already know the answer!! I hate how my head looks like this tiny pin head on top of my humongous body! We all know what we have to do, it's the doing that is not much fun!! Good luck, if it helps at all, your blogs have really been inspiring to me!
