Blog Title Explanation

"Oh I Know" is a phrase used by Sybil Fawlty on one of my favorite shows - Fawlty Towers. I find I say it alot too!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Grand Plans

I had big grand plans at the beginning of summer of all the things I was going to accomplish.  Sadly, most of them didn't happen.  I did manage to get one big project done however.

I finally tackled the dreaded pantry!!

Oh my the mess!  The items from the floor were as high as the bottom shelf.  I decided to clean it out the day before we were having company but I got it all finished except for the top shelf.  Well, I finally finished cleaning the top shelf today.  It feels great to have this project completed and knowing where everything is in my little pantry is awesome.

Isn't she beauuutiful!

New jars from mom for my flour and sugar.

The lazy susan with pasta jars and oils - looove!!

Cereal bins from Costco.

Spices back in alphabetical order - yes - I keep them in alphabetical order, so much easier to find what you are looking for.

Bins for potatoes and onions.

I'm so happy to have this done.  It feels very efficient and organized and I'm going to do my best to keep it this way.  Now to decide what project to tackle next!

I was in my bathroom the other day and was looking at the items I have on my tub.  I have this white pitcher that has these decorative branches in it and it just wasn't doing it for me anymore.  Here is a picture of how I was using it in my master bath.

In the back right hand side of the picture.

So I decided to repurpose the pitcher and use it in my kitchen.  I bought some flowers from the dollar store and put them on my kitchen island.  I love how it looks and can change it for each season - especially if I continue to use inexpensive dollar store finds.  I know real would look better, but the pop of colour makes me happy!


  1. Your pantry looks awesome. Sorry but I laughed at the spices being in order. I am really not that organized I guess:0. Love the pitcher.

  2. I think your fresh idea for the pitcher is great. Maybe I can come up and help you with some of those projects. Two hands are always better than one and so much more fun. We might even be able to sneak in a show if Jason is kind!! Would have to be a Saturday as your schedule is insane again!!

  3. Your pantry looks really organized! I have loved doing little projects and I love even more how it feels when I am all finished! Even though we have only lived in our house for just over 2 months I have already rearranged the toy area and I am liking it lots better. My next project is the storage room, actually I want it be our yard, but I need Jared to show me how to use the big mower and he hasn't 5 minutes to anything besides work and cattle, so we shall see! Have fun with the rest of your projects!

  4. Bet that feels so good to be done!! I have a few projects of my own that need to get done, the pantry being one of them. Love what you have done with your pitcher. Now you can enjoy it all day long.
