Blog Title Explanation

"Oh I Know" is a phrase used by Sybil Fawlty on one of my favorite shows - Fawlty Towers. I find I say it alot too!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Finally An Update!

I'm so behind with my blogging.  The laptop hasn't been working this past week and I'm just to lazy to blog downstairs - it's cold down there!  It has been the same busy craziness at the Atwood home.  I've been finishing up the Primary Sacrament presentation.  It will be turned into the Bishop by Sunday for approval.   I will be happy to have it off my to-do list.  I've been watching Dane this week and we all enjoy having him in our home.  I had a couple extra little ones yesterday morning to watch.  They got along great, and the cuteness level was through the roof.

Thanks to my brother in law and sister in law we've updated some of our lighting.  When they bought their home they replaced some of their lighting and have passed on the old ones to us.  They match our home so well.  I totally forgot to take before pictures and for some reason Jason refused to put them back up for a picture op, but I'm loving the updated look.

This light is over the fireplace in the family room.

The other two went in the kitchen.  I love how the one over the sink complements the exisiting light over the island.

Ashton visited his othodontist the other day.  His front tooth is not quite pushed out enough but his retainer is at the end so the doctor had to make him a new appliance.

The doctor asked Ashton if he wanted to take his old retainer home to destroy it.  Ashton quickly took up that challenge and broke out the hammer and pliers.

Speaking of teeth - Bowen lost his first tooth this week!  Say it isn't so!  It is so bittersweet for me.  He is still such a little boy to me, but I have to admit he is growing up.  We noticed a while ago that his tooth was really loose but the permanent tooth had already started coming up behind it.  Finally his baby tooth was loose enough for Jason to pull it.

So that's what has been happening around our house!


  1. I like the lights too Lainie. And I have missed your blog. Glad you are back. Fall is busy for piano teachers I know. I lost one student and gained 3 more. AHHHH, I have 33 students now. What am I thinking?
    Love you, Aunt Sheila

  2. I love the picture of Bowen holding his tooth. Very cute.
