With it being Thanksgiving weekend we are expecting some company on Sunday. We usually have Bowen sleep in Ashton's room on the bunk beds and use his room for company. A couple of days ago I asked Bowen to go and clean his room so Grandma could sleep in it when she visits. He spent quite a while upstairs - not happily mind you - and I was skeptical as to how much he was accomplishing.
After teaching lessons Jason told me to go and check Bowen's room. I was pleasantly surprised at what a good job he had done.
Until closer inspection!
Under the wardrobe! |
Under his dresser!
Under the bed! |
What a stinker!
Ahhhhh, don't be too mad. He made the room look wonderful for his grandma. I would be happy to sleep in this room Bowen. Never mind a few boys toys. That is what makes boys BOYS and you love them anyway.