Blog Title Explanation

"Oh I Know" is a phrase used by Sybil Fawlty on one of my favorite shows - Fawlty Towers. I find I say it alot too!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

I had a quiet and lovely Mother's Day this year.  It started with the boys surprising me with breakfast in bed. I can't believe I'm putting this picture on here - but the boys look soooo cute!  Just focus on them!

Then some great presents from my boys.  Bowen had made me a cute card and a little box of chocolates at school, Ashton made me a terrific card out of a large envelope and a little cork board.

But my favorite present were pictures of the boys.  They were made with a program online that does word art.  Jason had the boys write down words that describe me and then they put them in this program along with their pictures and it came up with these great art pieces.

It is hard to see them in a photograph but you'll have to check them out next time you visit - I love them!!
Jason bought me a steam mop - I'm excited to try it out today on my kitchen floor.

After a relaxing morning it was time for church.  The primary children sang great for their mothers.  Then in primary we had the kids make a little present to take home to their moms.  It was a wooden spoon with 4 hershey kisses wrapped up with a ribbon and a little poem that read "A spoonful of love and a couple of wishes, Please enjoy your Mother's Day Kisses!"

After church Jason and the boys made us a delicious dinner of barbecued steaks, roasted mini potatoes and caesar salad with rootbeer floats for dessert.  Then we watched a movie as a family - my pick of course!  We watched "Yours, Mine, and Ours" the old one with Lucille Ball and Henry Fonda.  I love that movie.  The boys enjoyed it and Ashton even asked me to pause it when he had to run to the washroom.

It was a great Mother's Day!  I love being a mom and am so grateful for my precious boys!!

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