Blog Title Explanation

"Oh I Know" is a phrase used by Sybil Fawlty on one of my favorite shows - Fawlty Towers. I find I say it alot too!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Well Earned

At school this year Ashton has been having weekly spelling tests.  When he first learned he'd be taking these tests he was pretty nervous about it.  Spelling is not something that comes easily to Ashton - he's more of a science and math boy.  So when the first list and weekly homework came home I really wanted him to have a successful first test - so we studied.  I tested Ashton at least once a day sometimes twice to drill those 15 words into his little head.  That first week he came home with a mark of 14 out of 15.  His only mistake was writing a p backwards.

The second week we did the same thing - going over the words over and over, this time he came home with 100%.  But it was alot of work for him.  To encourage him Jason told him if he maintained a 90% average throughout the year that he would give him $50.00.  Well that was the only motivation Ashton needed.

This past Friday was Ashton's final spelling test for the year.  Out of 24 tests he got 100% every week, except for that very first week with the backwards p.  We were so proud of him and the efforts he made this year.  True to his word Jason gave Ashton a $50.00 bill on Friday.

Ashton knew exactly what he wanted to buy with his money so we headed to the store.

He got to try it out on Saturday out at the farm.

He let his brother try it out.

He's one happy boy!!


  1. Way to go!!! I like what he chose to spend his money on.

  2. Loved the pictures, and I really loved seeing the farm, the well, the shed and the barn. Happy memories for me.

  3. All I can think of is Katniss. :-) So fun to see what they are into as they grow up!
