Anyone who knows me well, knows I'm not the biggest animal lover. Growing up on a farm we always had animals but I tended to keep my distance. Jason has always wanted to get a pet, and the kids have asked to get a dog for years.
I must be getting soft in my old age because I have finally relented and we recently got a puppy.
We purchased her a few weeks ago and were waiting for her to be old enough to leave her mom. I can't even count the number of times the kids have said to me in those weeks "I can't believe you are letting us get a dog, mom".
Cadence has been so excited. We made a countdown chain to help her visualize how many more sleeps she had before we picked up the puppy.
Painting Cadence made of the new puppy |
She did a lot of practicing with her kitty toy.
This past Saturday we headed to Edmonton. We weren't able to do our usual favorite activities in Edmonton such as the Waterpark and Galaxyland but we still had fun doing a little shopping at the West Edmonton Mall and going for a family supper. We stayed overnight at a nice hotel - always Cadence's favorite part, and even their pool was open so the kids enjoyed a swim.
The next morning we headed about 40 minutes out of Edmonton to pick up Daisy. She is a Beagle and 10 weeks old. After we first decided to get her I asked Jason to ask the breeder what her birthdate was - so we can celebrate her birthday every year of course. So when Jason asked we found out her birthday is May 2nd. May 2nd is the birthday of our third baby Kenneth David who was stillborn 12 years ago. That news made me smile - almost like she is meant to be our puppy.
Daisy did great on the ride home. We stopped a couple times for food, water and potty breaks. She didn't have any accidents and seemed to like her crate and slept quite a bit.
Since having her home the past couple days she has only had a few accidents in the house and seems to be bonding with everyone, especially Ashton. Sleeps well in her crate downstairs and seems to love her bed in the family room already. The kids are enjoying playing and walking her and I even like her quite a bit.
Welcome to the family Daisy girl!