Blog Title Explanation

"Oh I Know" is a phrase used by Sybil Fawlty on one of my favorite shows - Fawlty Towers. I find I say it alot too!

Friday, February 7, 2014

30 Weeks!

This pregnancy seems to be flying by so quickly.  This Sunday will mark 30 weeks pregnant already.  Only 10 weeks to go!  I've been feeling pretty good.  I'm tired, and have lots of stretching and ligament pain but oh so worth it.  I had an ultrasound a couple of weeks ago and everything looks good with the baby so far.  The ultrasound technician wanted to find out the sex of the baby to put him or her on the correct growth chart.  I told her I didn't want to know so I shut my eyes as she took a look.  It was so hard to keep my eyes shut.  Part of me really wanted to peek!  I'm really glad I didn't though - it will be fun to have a surprise!

We have so much to do to get ready for the baby.  I'm really superstitious and haven't started doing anything yet.  But I've realized lately if I don't start getting some of it done - NOTHING is going to be ready.  We have started working on the boys room.  Two walls are painted and Bowen is getting excited about moving in with Ashton.  I sure hope they like sharing a room and are able to get some sleep!

Mom has been coming up every couple of weeks for a few days to help me out and that has been so great.  I was just saying to Jason the other night that the house was getting messy and I wondered when mom was coming again!  haha

I am getting quite the "belly".  I can only imagine how big it is going to get.  I'm loving all the kicks and pokes from the baby.  If this baby is as active on the outside as it is now - we are in trouble!!  My blood pressure has been really good, and just found out I have a glucose intolerance, but it has not developed into gestational diabetes so I'm grateful for that.  I should be able to maintain my blood sugar easily with my diet.  Everything is going better than I expected so far - another miracle!

29 Weeks and 5 days!!


  1. Love your pregnant shots. Would love to see the boys room. Heard you had a couple different colors from previous. Hope you continue to feel well.

  2. So happy for you Lainie. Glad that baby is growing away. You look great pregnant. Enjoy the last 10 weeks. Will be exciting to hear when he or she is here. Love you, Aunt Sheila
