February 26th is Bowen's birthday. This year was a very special year for Bowen as he turned 8 years old. We didn't do very much on his actual birthday. I made cupcakes for Bowen to take to his little friends at school. The couple that were left at home were gobbled up so this is the only picture I was able to get.
A half eaten cupcake |
Bowen had requested Oreo cupcakes. So I just made a chocolate fudge cake and chopped up oreo cookies and stirred into the batter before baking. Made a simple butter cream chocolate icing and topped with an mini oreo cookie. Apparently they were a big hit at school.
I was teaching students the night of Bowen's birthday and we were babysitting Dane and Bennett, so we had one of Bowen's favorite suppers of hotdogs, chips and pop and then opened presents.
Since Bowen turned 8 he also gets to be baptized into our church. He has been so excited. This past Saturday was Bowen's baptism. We sent out invitations to family and a few friends, and I made up a program.
Right after I sent out the invitations the Champion church got word they had to be out a few days before the baptism for renovations so we moved the baptism to the stake baptisms here in Calgary. |
It was a wonderful day. Bowen all ready for his big day.
Jason and Bowen ready at the church.
Bowen was so excited and nervous. We were last of 5 children being baptized that day. It went really quickly however. They had an opening song, prayer and one of the Bishops spoke. Then they had the moms come up and say a little something about their children. Then they took the kids one by one to be baptized. After the baptism our group came back into the chapel. I handed out cards for everyone to write Bowen a little note (such a nice keepsake for him). Then after Jason and Bowen had changed. Bowen and I sang a musical number "When I Am Baptized". Bowen was very emotional and feeling the spirit so Grandma came up and helped him finish the song. It was beautiful. Then Uncle Jared gave a wonderful talk on covenants. Bowen was then confirmed a member of the church by his Dad and we finished with a song and prayer.
Then we all came back to our house for dinner.
We served chicken pot pie with biscuits, spinach salad and fruit with a candy bar for dessert.
After dinner Bowen opened some presents. He received new scriptures from Jason and I, money, scripture markers, future missionary pin, sketch book, mega blocks, books, sacrament meeting activity book, bank, and candy. What a lucky boy!
It is definitely great to be eight!!