After our Edmonton trip we headed to my mom's for a family reunion. All my siblings, their families and mom were gathering on the farm for the weekend. We arrived on Thursday which was an overcast and rainy day. Since the weather was not ideal we hung out in the house and chatted. The kids played and had a great time together.
Mom had made a schedule of which family was in charge of prepping meals and then who was in charge of clean up. The schedule worked really well and it was nice to take turns preparing the meals. The food was awesome.
We had a couple of sickies during the reunion. Mom had fell while camping with Amber and Jared and broken her knee so she was out of commission and had to use a wheelchair (I think she just wanted to get out of doing any work - just kidding). Poor little Armin was under the weather for a few days and had a couple visits to the emergency room in Vulcan, but he is doing much better now.
The kids are getting older and it is fun to see them have a little more independence. Thursday afternoon it was still a bit cold, but the older kids decided to go into Champion to swim. Cora has her drivers license so she was able to drive them in - so awesome!
On Friday morning Cora drove herself, Leah, Emry and Ashton to Cardston so they could go to the temple to do baptisms for the dead. Ashton was pretty excited for this little adventure sans parents. She even treated them to a milkshake afterwards. I'm so grateful they like spending time together as cousins and that they would choose to make going to the temple a priority.
The younger kids spent time playing and doing some crafts. Although I think mom and Rachel enjoyed the craft making just as much.
The kids enjoyed swimming at the little pool in Champion, and down at Little Bow Provincial Park.
The girls decided they were big enough to go down to the water themselves.
Tuckered out after a day at the beach! |
Our weekend ended on Sunday. Mom had bought the little girls matching dresses. They looked so cute for church.
Mom, Rachel and I sang a trio in sacrament meeting, and then we headed back to Calgary for Jason's work party.
It was so nice to get together. I love my family and I hope we always want to spend time together. Til next year!