She's here!! and She's perfect!!
As you may have figured out from the photo I ended up with a c-section. To all of you who have had a c-section - I'm sorry! I was supposed to just be getting induced. It had been decided at my last doctor's appointment that it was probably a good time to do it and after an ultrasound on Thursday had determined that the baby was head down I was told to come in Sunday, April 6th at 6:00 p.m. to get things started.
We arrived at the hospital and the nurses couldn't quite decide if they thought the baby was still head down. After a quick ultrasound it was determined the baby was in fact breech (you've got to be kidding me). We discussed options with the doctor and it was decided he would try and flip the baby and then break my water to hold in place. The baby had different plans however when I went into labour shortly after this discussion with the doctor and then it was to late to do anything but deliver by c-section immediately.
So off to the or we went. I shed a few tears while the doctor and nurses were out of the room - but quickly wrapped my head around the fact that this was the safest and really only option.
The whole process went fairly quickly, with the spinal and getting all hooked up, bringing Jason to my side. Apparently Jason peeked around the curtain quite often to see what was happening. I was quite happy not to be able to see, everything I was able to feel was enough for me. When the baby was almost out Jason whispered to me that it was a girl. I kept asking him if he was sure. When the nurse came and confirmed it to me I must admit I burst into tears. She arrived on Monday morning, April 7th at 1:17 a.m.
I'm not lying when I say that I would have been thrilled with a boy - but what a special blessing to be able to have a little girl in our family. The boys are just going to dote on her. They love her to pieces already.
We are loving on our little Cadence Elaine
Trying on her new outfit to come home from the hospital. It's waaay too big! |
Not liking getting into her new car seat. |
The Winner of the Baby Poll Contest is
Marisa Smith
Congratulations Marisa - you correctly guessed baby girl at 7 lbs, 2 ounces
she was also 20.5 inches long
Thanks to everyone who played along, and for all your lovely comments here and on facebook.
We are so grateful our little miracle has arrived safely - I hope you all get to meet her soon!!