I had a great, but really busy Mother's Day yesterday. No sleeping in for this mom. Jason was off before 7:00 a.m. for Bishopric meeting and the boys and I headed to the church by 8:15 a.m. so I could practise with the YW a song they were singing in sacrament meeting.
Sacrament meeting was really nice. The primary sang "Mother I Love You". I filled in last minute to lead them as our chorister was ill, but I didn't mind because at least I could hear them - I'm not really sure anyone else did. I also accompanied the YW - they did a beautiful job. They sang a song by Sally Deford, I love Sally Deford her pieces are so beautiful.
After sacrament we were off to primary. I took care of sharing time today. First we played a "Joseph Smith and the Restoration" Jeopardy Game. I think the kids had lots of fun and learned some things too. I put the kids into two teams (boys and girls - except for Bowen and Ashton who were on the girls team because they can't leave Ashley's side). So I had the kids pick team names the "girls" picked AWESOME PEOPLE, and the "boys" picked "BETTER THAN THAT" - don't ask! In the end the teams were tied!
After we finished our game we had the kids make 2 hershey kiss roses for their moms. I found the idea on line and I think they turned out really cute. I found a little poem on line that they tied onto the roses. I hope the moms enjoyed them.
You make them by taking 2 hershey kisses and taping the bottoms together. Then you take either wire, or pipe cleaner - I used kabob skewers and push the end into the chocolate. You then wrap the kisses with a 4 1/2 inch square of coloured cellophane twisting the ends around the skewer. Then take green floral tape and wrap from the base of the kisses all the way down to the end of the skewer, adding a leaf half way down. It was maybe a bit challenging for the little ones but the teachers and presidency all jumped in to lend a hand. I thought they turned out really adorable. After church I made a couple each to take to my mom, sister and sister in laws.

After church my husband and boys surprised me with my Mother's Day gift. I got a Cricut Create machine for scrapbooking. I hope I'll be smart enough to figure out how to use it. Maybe now I can finally make my 7 and 5 year olds baby books!! Then we headed to Champion to have dinner and spend the afternoon with my mom, sister, brothers and their families.
I almost forgot - as soon as Ashton got home from school on Friday he gave me the Mother's Day gift he had made me. He couldn't wait - he's just like his dad! I loved it - now to find a special place to display it.
It was a great weekend. It is always wonderful to see everyone. I loved the chocolate roses.