Blog Title Explanation

"Oh I Know" is a phrase used by Sybil Fawlty on one of my favorite shows - Fawlty Towers. I find I say it alot too!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Back to School Supper / FHE

Yesterday was the last day of summer for our boys before starting school today.  We slept in and then had a nice big breakfast of eggs, bacon, and pancakes.  After breakfast Grandma headed home.  We enjoyed having her with us this week and hope she comes for another visit soon.  Then we went swimming.  Everyone had a great time.  Even Cadence enjoyed the water and then had a little nap while her brothers finished swimming.

After swimming we ran a couple of errands and then came home for our "Back to School Supper and Family Home Evening.  We decided to roast hot dogs and marshmallows for supper in the back yard.

After supper we had FHE.  I copied an idea from a blog I read and we decided that as a family we would have a "family theme" for the school year.  This theme is to help us focus on how we want to live and what is important to us.  We talked about the theme and what it meant and how it could help us.

It is a quote from Jeffrey R. Holland.  We will hang it in our home and recite it each week at FHE.  We had a great discussion with the boys and their knowledge of the gospel impresses me and I am very proud of the strong young men they are becoming.

After showers it was time for a fathers blessings from their dad, family prayer and then time for bed.

This morning Ashton was up early and was dressed, had made his lunch and had breakfast before I got up.  Bowen and Cadence got up and we got ready for school.  First we dropped off Bowen at Douglasdale Elementary.  He has a new teacher and lots of kids in his class he doesn't know.  I'm sure he will make friends quickly and have a great year.

Then it was off to Ashton's new school.  He is in middle school now and is excited for a new opportunity.  It is a really big school so I'm sure it will be a bit of an adjustment.  He has a male teacher, so that will be new as well.

All set for Grade 3 and Grade 5!

Have a great year boys!!


  1. Loved your blog Lainie, and I really liked the saying you have up preparing those boys for missions. You and Jason are great parents. Your daddy is so proud I know. Cute picture of them on their first day of school. Enjoy sweet Cadence at home with you. See you on the 14th.

  2. That is a great theme. I didn't recognize Ashton at first with his head down and glasses off. Funny they make such a difference. Looking straight on he didn't look that different. I hope they have a great first day.
