Blog Title Explanation

"Oh I Know" is a phrase used by Sybil Fawlty on one of my favorite shows - Fawlty Towers. I find I say it alot too!

Sunday, June 16, 2013


They say that days like today are bittersweet.  I was released as the Primary President today.  To be honest I'm a bit heart broken and am not finding much sweet about it.  I love the new presidency so that makes it much easier to leave my sweet kids I've grown to love so much.

It has been a busy week preparing for my last sharing time.  Of course with it being Father's Day the kids needed to make something to take home to their dads.  They had a little card that said "You're the Best Pop"  with a can of "pop" and some microwave "pop"corn.

Before knowing we were being released we had planned a special sharing time today with our Bishopric.  We invited the Bishopric to join us and we had the junior and senior meet together.  I had the bishopric answer a questionnaire ahead of time and we had a quiz for the kids.  We divided the kids into four teams and each team had a paddle with the Bishopric's faces and they would lift whichever paddle they thought was correct.

It was a lot of fun and the kids learned tons about their leaders.

In October when the Calgary Temple opened we as a primary were able to borrow a shovel used in the groundbreaking and we took a picture of the kids with the shovel.  When Jason was working at the temple he was able to get me some stone that had been used in the baptismal.  During a sharing time I also had the kids either draw a picture or share thoughts they had about the temple.  I had promised the kids that I would have Jason draw them a picture of the Calgary Temple and then frame it with their shovel picture and a piece of the stone.

Since today was my last day - I really wanted to hand them out.  So my fabulous husband took time out of his very busy week and drew me a picture of the Calgary Temple and then put together these keepsakes for the primary children.

Since it was a special sharing time we thought we'd bring a treat as well.  My counsellors and I each brought some chocolate chip cookies.  I had quite the load of stuff to haul to the church this afternoon.

All this - plus three cases of pop!
On my way to church - a few tears will be shed!
Stay tuned for Father's Day details!


  1. i love the idea of the bishopric trivia. I think I will totally copy you. THat sounds like the perfect thing to do for sharing time the day of the presentation. The kids are kinda all sung out by then anyways. Loved the father's day treat. WE did a little questionaire and then a saying about hugs and kisses then added a little bad of the chocolate hugs and kisses. I am very jealous of your release:) I know you really enjoyed your time there. That was an awesome little gift about the temple. This is a really long comment

  2. Wow, your husband is sure talented; and handsome; with great hair....

    1. I forgot hard-working, witty, and intelligent.

  3. WOW, surprised you were released Lainie. I can understand your bittersweet tears. You did such an awesome job as Primary President. I have never seen another president do what you do for your kids. Loved the picture that Jason did, what a nice keepsake for each child. You will have another calling soon I am sure.
    Have a great recital this week. Mine was just one of the best ones ever. Special students who were prepared.
    Love, AUnt Sheila
