Blog Title Explanation

"Oh I Know" is a phrase used by Sybil Fawlty on one of my favorite shows - Fawlty Towers. I find I say it alot too!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

9 Months Old

Our baby girl is 9 months old today!!  I know every month I say I can't believe - but,  I really can't believe it!!!  We love having Cadence in our family so much.  The boys still spend lots of time with her and are enjoying that she is so much more interactive now.  She still has daddy wrapped around her little finger and momma is loving having a little girl.

Age - 9 months on January 7th, 2015
Weight - 21 lbs approx.
Hair - continues to fill in and dark brown
(thicker on the top of her head so she looks like she has a mohawk)
Eyes - blue/green
Size - 6 - 12 month clothes
Sleeping - to her mother's dismay has been waking up around 4 - 5 am to nurse for a few minutes and then go back to bed (not sure if she's teething, or having a growth spurt)
Teeth - none
Has quite the little temper if she doesn't get her way!
Eating - nursing, formula, and lots of pureed foods (loves to eat)
Is crawling on hands and knees
Pulls up to a standing position (allllll the time!!)  Thinks she can walk and just lets go - had a few accidents
Puts everything in her mouth
Makes lots of funny faces

Is always on the go - so it is nearly impossible to get a decent picture ...

So glad you are ours!  Love you Cadence!!


  1. Wow, what a little beauty. She is certainly changing as she gets older. She will be walking before you know it, and oh then the fun begins. Enjoy your blog Lainie.

  2. Love when they get moving. My girls love to talk about her and how cure she is almost every day. For them she is getting to the fun stage:) cute dress in first pics.

  3. So Precious!! I love her face in the second picture, so cute!!
