Blog Title Explanation

"Oh I Know" is a phrase used by Sybil Fawlty on one of my favorite shows - Fawlty Towers. I find I say it alot too!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Bowen's "Fake" 10th Birthday

Yesterday was Family Day and since we were all going to be home and had no other commitments we declared it Bowen's "Fake" birthday.  Jason is going to be away on the actual day this year.  The day started with a big family breakfast.  Then we had an errand to run and then home for Cadence to have a nap and for me to start dinner in the crock pot.  Jason and Ashton worked on Ashton's room.

Later in the afternoon we went to The Peanuts movie.  We all really enjoyed it and Cadence was a good girl and sat and watched the movie from her stroller.

When we got home it was time for dinner.  Bowen had requested bbq beef on a bun, so we had that with lemon lime delight salad.

After dinner it was time to open presents.  Bowen got a minecraft lego set from Ashton and Cadence, and a laser game he's been wanting forever, and a 3DS Game.  Bowen never disappoints and is always very excited and grateful for his gifts.

Then it was time for cake.  Bowen had requested chocolate dessert.  I had teased how I didn't know how the candles were going to stand up in the top layer of cool whip.

The candles did just fine until he tried to blow them out.

It was fun to celebrate with such a great kid.  We love you so much Bowen and its a joy to watch you grow into a great young man.  Can`t believe you are double digits!  Hope your 10th year is wonderful!



  1. He can't be 10 yet!!!!!!! What a special boy!! We sure love him!!!!
