Blog Title Explanation

"Oh I Know" is a phrase used by Sybil Fawlty on one of my favorite shows - Fawlty Towers. I find I say it alot too!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

And So It Begins...

My days of sitting alone with the kids at church have officially begun.  This past Sunday Jason was called as the 2nd Counsellor in the Bishopric in our Ward.  I'm so proud of him and the man that he is.  I know I go on and on about how great a husband he is, but I really can't even put into words how lucky I am to have him.  He is loyal and kind, thoughtful of my feelings, and treats me like a princess.  I am so grateful for his willingness to serve others.  He gives of his time without complaint and I can feel of his love for the Savior.  What a blessing to have the priesthood in our home and he is such a great influence on our children.  I'm sure they will grow up to be great men if they just follow their father's example.  Now we just need to figure out how we are both going to attend Ward Counsel meetings twice a month.  Love you Hun!
Off to Bishopric meeting on Tuesday night

I thought I'd share this cute Chocolate Scriptures idea I found on line.  I had the Primary kids make them during Sharing time on Sunday.  I thought they were adorable and the kids seemed to enjoy making them.
Just take two mini chocolate bars, print off a scripture and wrap around chocolate bars, place on a piece of construction paper and finish with a red ribbon for the bookmarker.  I don't know how many of them made it out of the parking lot.  Ashton had finished eating his before we even left the building, but I noticed Bowen's still on his dresser this morning.  I love the Scripture Theme for the year in Primary.  My boys have been taking their Book of Mormon's with them to church each week and I've noticed a definite interest in reading them and memorizing the scripture each month to be a "Scripture Hero" (granted I give them a treat if they memorize it - I have no problem with bribery). 

Happy Groundshog Day!!


  1. Very cute scriptures!!! They turned out great.

  2. That will be a blessing and a challenge all in one. You guys can do it!!

  3. You are right about the ward council meetings. It was a pain when Blake was a newborn. Jason will be really great and you are right it is just the beginning Jason will go far. Congrats and Good luck

  4. PS the choco bar scripture are really cute.

  5. That's a lot to take on as a family but you guys are awesome and you can manage it. What a great example Jason is to his boys! Cute scriptures idea too - going to steal this one for the young women!

  6. COngrats to Jason. That is a wonderful call for a spiritual young man.
    So happy for you, You will be able to do it all Lainie. You will be blessed.
