Blog Title Explanation

"Oh I Know" is a phrase used by Sybil Fawlty on one of my favorite shows - Fawlty Towers. I find I say it alot too!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Rectum Appeared Unremarkable

Our internet service has been down for 5 DAYS!!  It was absolutely miserable.  I didn't realize how much I rely on it.  I felt so out of the loop and am so happy I'm back!

So I had my colonoscopy on Friday.  The prep started on Thursday with having only a clear liquid diet for the day (juice, pop, popsicles, broth etc.)  Then drinking 2 litres of Colyte.  Oh my goodness - NASTY.  I really didn't think I was going to have a problem drinking it but it was very salty and sickening sweet at the same time and kind of thick.  I took the first gulp and almost threw up.  Had a little cry about how I was going to do this and then started downing glass fulls at a time and gagging it down and fighting with every fiber of my body not to throw up.  Then the running to the bathroom started.  Let's just say it was delightful.  The next morning I had to gag down the remaining 2 litres and the end of the container couldn't come fast enough.

Off to my appointment at the Foothills.  I arrived around 2:00 pm.  They put me in a gown, put in an IV and got me all checked in and into a bed.  Jason sat with me for awhile until we were told of a "change in policy" and that he wasn't able to wait with me and they sent him off to the hall.  I didn't know about the original policy - not sure why they let him in with me in the first place.

About 3:20 p.m. they finally came and wheeled me down to the examining room.  I met with the "beloved" drug guy.  He told me I probably wouldn't fall asleep, but that I would be comfortable , although I would probably have some cramping.  They did the procedure - I did have quite a bit of cramping - and they sent me back to recovery.

When I got home I was complaining to mom that I was disappointed that I was awake the whole time and that I felt everything and that I even wondered if they gave me any drugs.  Later that night I got thinking about it.  I don't remember them putting in the endoscope (I THINK I'D REMEMBER THAT!).  Jason also told me I was in the examining room for about 45 minutes.  I remember about 10 minutes - so I take it back the drugs must have been pretty good.

They found one small polyp and took several biopsies which were sent to pathology, and in the words of the doctor "my rectum appeared unremarkable"  - that wording totally cracks me up!  They also included in the report some pictures of my bowel - Mom didn't think I should include them here.  I'll meet with the doctor again when he has my results.  My concerns over my symptoms haven't really been solved yet, but I'm grateful the colonoscopy overall went well.  I'll just need to press for additional tests to be able to get some answers.  In the mean time I'm striving to not freak out.

All in all I'm just glad it is over and dinner that night tasted fantastic - I was starving!!


  1. THank you for not including the pictures. Some posts are better without them. I hope they figure it out soon. Tell Jason I did not need a crown, but if I ever do he's my guy.

  2. Yea, my reading of my rectum was unremarkable also, I don't know what it means and google isn't
    any help.
