Blog Title Explanation

"Oh I Know" is a phrase used by Sybil Fawlty on one of my favorite shows - Fawlty Towers. I find I say it alot too!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday Weigh-In

Well, I wish I had better news today - but I'm just going to say it.  This week I gained ...

2.5 lbs

Yikes!  I'm not going to give a bunch of excuses.  It is what it is!  It is not a big surprise to me, I'm well aware why I had a weight gain.  I have implemented some big changes but I just don't think it has been long enough for results to show up yet.  So other changes I know I need to make are:

- drinking more water
- not eating in the evening
- portion control

The big news is we bought a treadmill.  I feel like this is going to make a world of difference for me.  Jason got it up and running on Tuesday night and I had my first workout on Wednesday.

It runs really quietly and smoothly and I am loving it.  I have been exercising after dropping off Bowen at the bus.  I get my water bottle, turn on People's Court and go at it.  I do however need to get new running shoes.  The pair I have I bought along time ago and they are too small.  On Thursday I had to take them off and go in my socks (not ideal).  So I'll head out tomorrow to replace them.

I'm not a runner - at least not yet - but I walk as fast as I can and try different inclines.  My legs have been a little sore, but that is probably a good sign.  I'm going to keep at it and I'm sure I'll start seeing results.

The other thing I need to be doing is tracking my food intake.  I didn't this week - and see what happened! That is an important step for me.  It is just to easy to eat more than I should when I'm not accountable.

I realize my weight gain this week is horrible, but I'm not going to beat myself up about it.  I'm going to make a smoothie for breakfast, and then later jump on my treadmill.  I appreciate the support I have been receiving - it really does help.  Any suggestions are also welcome.  I certainly hope I'll be back with better news next week.


  1. I'd be interested in joining you in this little battle you are fighting. If you're interested in having a fellow warrior fight along side you. I'm really struggling too and need to get my act together. Let me know if you're interested in starting up some kind of program with me.

  2. Good luck on your treadmill Lainie. I lost 50 pounds on the treadmill 4 yrs. ago, then broke my foot and it has all crept back on me. But I know the treadmill was the key for me.
    Wish I could do it again, bad knee won't let me.
    Good luck.

  3. This is what Dave said. Wow that treadmill looks like darth vadar:)
    good luck I hate writing down what I eat. There is were I go wrong.

  4. I had a random thought the other day and wasn't sure where I should share it. Perhaps it'll help you! If you struggle with writing things down, but always seem to have your camera handy, start taking pictures of everything you eat. Then you can SEE the portions and how you should change it. You'll also notice if you need to add more vegetables - North American diets tend to be very brown/tan (pasta, cereal, potatoes, bread) so try and add more color to your plate to make them look more interesting. Maybe it'll work for you :)
