Blog Title Explanation

"Oh I Know" is a phrase used by Sybil Fawlty on one of my favorite shows - Fawlty Towers. I find I say it alot too!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Actually That Was Embarrassing

This weekend my little boy turned six.  How did this happen.  I remember the day he was born like it was yesterday.  It was a Sunday morning.  I was having contractions.  We called my mom who came up to watch Ashton and we headed for the hospital.  I wasn't very far along yet but my blood pressure was pretty high so they decided to keep me. 

The day went slowly.  I was having contractions but they weren't too strong yet so they kept me in a triage room until a birthing room finally became available in the evening.  About 10:30 p.m. a doctor came and broke my water.  Then the really painful contractions started.  A nurse checked me around 11:00 p.m. - told me it would be awhile - and that she'd be back in a while.  At 11:30 p.m. I told (okay maybe screamed) to Jason that I thought I needed to push.  Jason called the nurse who sauntered back into the room, took one look at me and the top of Bowen's head and called the doctor.  Bowen arrived at 11:45 p.m.  I call him my fast and furious baby.

He was 9 pounds even.  So cute and pudgy.  The cheeks, oh my the cheeks.

So I disgress.  We celebrated this weekend.  It didn't start out really great.  As Bowen was getting ready for school on Friday he looked at me straight on and I noticed I could see one side of his neck sticking out past his cheeks.  Not normal - he still has pretty big cheeks.  I had him come to me and I felt his lymph nodes and under his right ear was very swollen.  I freaked out a little and took him to a walk in clinic.

Turns out he has a red throat, and right ear infection and very swollen glands.  He prescribed us antibiotics and sent us on our way.  The only symptoms Bowen had been displaying was a little bit of the sniffles.  Neither of my kids have ever had to have medicine before so we were not prepared for how awful this stuff would taste.  Poor Bowen.  He's really brave about it but this morning he told me that "Mom, you have no idea how painful this is!"  He's so dramatic.

The rest of his birthday weekend was great.  We started by going to the movie "The Adventures of Tin Tin" at the cheap theatre.  Bowen loves going to movies.

It wasn't especially cold in the theatre but he insisted on wearing his hat for the entire movie.
After we headed home Ashton helped me decorate Bowen's cake.  No fancy cakes around here I'm afraid!

Then we made homemade pizzas for dinner.

Bowen putting on his toppings.

Ashton topping with olive oil.


Mine and Jason's pizza - it was really yummy!

The finished products.
Ashton topped his with nutella.

After supper Bowen opened one present.  A new Wii Game.

Then it was time for cake.

Sunday, February 26th is Bowen's actual birthday.  The day started with church.  I had choir and then Jason had meetings so the kids were at the church from 8:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m.

My handsome 6 Year old ready for church!
After church it was time for presents.

Then we were off to Montana's for a birthday dinner.

Ashton still looking for food after finishing his cornbread.

Of course, no birthday dinner at Montanas would be complete without the wearing of the "Moose Hat".

A bunch of the wait staff brought Bowen his mini ice cream cones, had him stand on the bench and wear the moose hat.  They then informed the restaurant that Bowen was having his 6th birthday and then sang to him.  After they left Bowen said "Actually, that was embarrasing - Ashton you were right!"

We sure love having Bowen in our family.  He is so funny and clever, and keeps us laughing.  He is sensitive and kind.  He loves his older brother and looks up to him.  He's very outgoing and loves playing with his friends.  He loves going to school and learning.  I'm thankful I was chosen to be his mom. 

Happy 6th Birthday Bowen - We Love You!!


  1. YOU WENT OUT ON SUNDAY!!!!!:) I remember those cheeks when he was born. Awesome. What wii game? Was it great? Do I NEED one to???? I would be embarrassed too. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOWEN.

  2. I know, I know - we're so bad! I almost lied on my blog - ha ha!

  3. Happy Birthday Bowen! I can't believe how time flies! He did have the cutest pudgy cheeks, and still does! I am happy you guys were able to have such a fun weekend despite the minor infection! I hope he is feeling better and we can't wait until Ashton's baptism! Take care and love you all lots!
