My poor blog has been so neglected as of late. There has been something big I've been wanting to blog about and have not felt ready to do so - so I just found I wasn't blogging about anything. My life feels so surreal right now I'm not even sure how to write about it.
But I won't keep you in suspense any longer...
So without further adieu...
Drum roll please!!!
That's right - I'm pregnant!
We are thrilled, excited, surprised, nervous, etc. As most of you know we lost our third baby boy over 5 years ago. Since then we've always hoped that we might be able to have another baby join our family. After a miscarriage and years of trying I had pretty much given up hope. But both Jason and I never quite felt like our family was complete yet.
I must admit I'm nervous about this pregnancy considering my history and age - but I also know I was meant to carry this baby no matter what happens. This past week we had our 19 week ultrasound. I was especially anxious for this appointment as it was during this ultrasound that the initial problems with Kenny were diagnosed.
As you may or may not know babies with Trisomy 18 have some outward signs - one sign is a clenched hand. Leading up to this week I prayed so hard that I would see open hands in the ultrasound. Shortly after the exam started I saw a little hand lift up with 5 open little fingers. It was all I could do to not start crying right then. The rest of the ultrasound went great and as far as we can tell so far so good!
Introducing Baby Atwood - due to arrive April 2014 |
The boys are so excited! When we told them Ashton burst into tears and kept saying over and over "I'm so happy, I'm so happy!!" They've had fun thinking about sharing a room when the baby comes, and giving us their ideas for baby names. They have both adamantly informed me that they will not be changing diapers however.
We pray that everything will continue to go well and are beyond grateful for this miracle of miracles!!