Blog Title Explanation

"Oh I Know" is a phrase used by Sybil Fawlty on one of my favorite shows - Fawlty Towers. I find I say it alot too!

Friday, May 25, 2018

Most Improved

Year-end celebrations started last night with the boys' band concert.  We were lucky and both the Grade 6 band and the 8/9 concert band performed in the same concert.  We had a bit of a hiccup when we arrived.  Ashton's saxophone broke last week and the spare was being used by another student so it was arranged that he would borrow an instrument from someone in the jazz band but he brought his own mouthpiece.  He was letting Cadence look at it while we were in the truck.  We get in the school and he discovers one of the brass pins is missing.  After grilling Cadence she admitted she had tucked it under one of the cushions in her car seat.  He was able to find it (along with some barrettes, lego and other treasures) so crisis averted!!  She has been such a little menace lately - stinker!

The concert was great.  Bowen's band has improved so much since starting last year, and the 8/9 band was awesome. I really enjoyed it, despite the heat in the theatre.

Bowen received a "Most Improved" award.  He was very excited and we were all very proud of him and his hard work.  He really does play the clarinet very well.  He is torn as he loves the clarinet but is thinking about switching to the Oboe next year.  He's going to rent one during the summer to see if he likes it as much.

Ashton has one more year of band in middle school and then he'll decide if he wants to continue to play in high school.  I'm happy my boys love music and are enjoying their experiences in band.  What a great night!

1 comment:

  1. I love listening to our school band!! It is amazing how good they can sound all together!!! Great job Bowen!!
