Blog Title Explanation

"Oh I Know" is a phrase used by Sybil Fawlty on one of my favorite shows - Fawlty Towers. I find I say it alot too!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween Preparations

Jason and the boys loooove halloween - me ... not so much!  Don't get me wrong.  I don't mind halloween.  The kids trick or treating is fun and I enjoy candy, but I'm not quite into it like the rest of my family is.  The boys have been thinking about halloween for quite some time now.  They decided what they were going to dress up as and have been wanting to decorate for weeks.

Last library day Ashton brought home a halloween craft book and quickly got to work.  He decided to make a skeleton.  It turned out great.  I was impressed that he didn't trace it, he's certainly artistic like his dad.

For an activity during family home evening this week the boys decorated a haunted gingerbread house.  Even Jason got in on the action.

No mom I'm not eating the icing!!

Last night they carved their pumpkins.  Pictures to come.  Only one more day to wait - they are so excited!

Monday, October 29, 2012

A Perfect Ending

Yesterday was the dedication of the Calgary Alberta Temple.  What a wonderful completion to a whirlwind, exciting few months it has been for our family.  What a blessing this temple is, and will be to our family.  Jason was so honoured to be able to add his artistic talents to the beauty held within.  We enjoyed so much taking our children, family and friends to the open house and serving as ushers there.  Now I eagerly anticipate going often and feeling close to my Savior and Heavenly Father.

A few weeks ago we got our tickets from our Bishop to attend one of the dedications in the Stake Centre.  We were excited Ashton would be able to attend with us since he is 8 years old and baptized, and Bowen was looking forward to spending some time with my cousin Sheri as she was going to babysit him.  Then last Sunday we were beyond excited when Jason and I received tickets from the stake to be able to attend the 4:00 p.m. session of the dedication in the temple.  We did not expect such a blessing and were thrilled.

Logistically it was a bit more difficult as we would still take Ashton to one of the earlier sessions at the stake centre and then attend later at the temple.  I was having difficulty finding a babysitter for Bowen and our nephew Dane who we were watching that day as well - so we thought probably just one of us would attend with Ashton.  Then Friday morning I received a call from our Bishop who had received a few more tickets and he said he wanted to bless Ashton and give him a ticket to attend in the temple as well.

Ashton was so excited he got to attend in the temple and we were so grateful.  My cousin Sheri attended the 10:00 a.m. session and then came over and had lunch with us and then watched Bowen and Dane while we headed to the temple.  We picked up the rest of the bishopric so there were 7 of us.  After waiting in a bit of a line up we entered the temple and they ushered us upstairs, we were being put in the chapel but they didn't have enough room for our entire group so they sent us back up the hall and around the corner and we ended up sitting in the large sealing room across from the celestial room.

This turned out to be the biggest blessing of all.  As President Monson came down the hall to enter the celestial room he stopped in our room and spoke to us for a bit.  I had never been that close to a Prophet of the Lord before and I was overwhelmed with emotion.  I was so thrilled Ashton was with us.  I'm sure it is something he will never forget.

The dedication was beautiful and President and Sister Carter (who have been called as a temple president counsellor and assistant to the matron) spoke and I was so happy I was in that session as they personally mean so much to me.  All the speakers were wonderful and I felt the spirit so strong.  The choir numbers were beautiful and uplifting.  Such a spiritual day.  I look forward to going to the temple soon and often.  I am so grateful for my testimony.  I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the true church, restored by the Prophet Joseph Smith.  That my Savior died for me and because of him I can return someday to live with my father in heaven.  I know families can be together forever.  I know that temples make this possible. 

I didn't think it would be possible for me to love another temple as much as I love the Cardston Temple.  But I do, the Calgary Alberta Temple has become my temple!

I titled this blog A Perfect Ending as it feels like it was a wrap up to all that has happened to us concerning the building and dedicating of the temple in Calgary, but really as I think about it it's a Perfect Beginning ...

Saturday, October 27, 2012

9 x 13 Pan

While at costco yesterday getting some groceries and items I needed to make lasagna for Sunday dinner - it suddenly occurred to me that I didn't have a pan to make the lasagna in.  For those of you familiar with my blog you may recall that earlier this month my 9 x 13 pan shattered into a trillion pieces in my oven.  So I thought, I'm in costco I'll just buy a new pan.

So we headed over the the kitchen section.  They didn't seem to have any single pans for sale - there usually isn't just singles of things to buy at costco but I did notice a very nice set of three dishes which metal racks.

I didn't need this big of a set, but for such a good price I couldn't resist.  Now I can make my lasagna on Sunday and any other big dishes my heart desires.

What I don't know is where on earth I'm going to store them!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Child Labour

I'm not ready for winter!!  Unfortunately though, yesterday we received quite the dump of snow.  Jason worked quite late and I was expecting piano students at 4:00 p.m.  When I picked up the boys at the bus I asked them if they would help me out and shovel the sidewalk and stairs for me.  What great boys - they didn't complain at all and got right to work.

Okay - maybe it wasn't the greatest job ever, but it did the trick and I was proud of them for their efforts.

Nothing better than child labour!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Once There Was a "Flat" Snowman

Yesterday after school Ashton headed out to the backyard to make a snowman.  The snow wasn't really ideal to make into a snowman so Ashton improvised and made a flat snowman on top of the patio table.  I thought it turned out pretty cute!

Maybe today after a much bigger snowfall he'll be able to make a bigger snowman.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Finally An Update!

I'm so behind with my blogging.  The laptop hasn't been working this past week and I'm just to lazy to blog downstairs - it's cold down there!  It has been the same busy craziness at the Atwood home.  I've been finishing up the Primary Sacrament presentation.  It will be turned into the Bishop by Sunday for approval.   I will be happy to have it off my to-do list.  I've been watching Dane this week and we all enjoy having him in our home.  I had a couple extra little ones yesterday morning to watch.  They got along great, and the cuteness level was through the roof.

Thanks to my brother in law and sister in law we've updated some of our lighting.  When they bought their home they replaced some of their lighting and have passed on the old ones to us.  They match our home so well.  I totally forgot to take before pictures and for some reason Jason refused to put them back up for a picture op, but I'm loving the updated look.

This light is over the fireplace in the family room.

The other two went in the kitchen.  I love how the one over the sink complements the exisiting light over the island.

Ashton visited his othodontist the other day.  His front tooth is not quite pushed out enough but his retainer is at the end so the doctor had to make him a new appliance.

The doctor asked Ashton if he wanted to take his old retainer home to destroy it.  Ashton quickly took up that challenge and broke out the hammer and pliers.

Speaking of teeth - Bowen lost his first tooth this week!  Say it isn't so!  It is so bittersweet for me.  He is still such a little boy to me, but I have to admit he is growing up.  We noticed a while ago that his tooth was really loose but the permanent tooth had already started coming up behind it.  Finally his baby tooth was loose enough for Jason to pull it.

So that's what has been happening around our house!

Monday, October 8, 2012

My Grateful Heart

We had a great Thanksgiving this past weekend.  On Sunday my mom, and Jason's mom and brother, Jill and Dane came for a big turkey dinner.  The night before I put the boys on the task of making place settings for everyone.  They made turkeys out of tootsie pops.  I thought they turned out cute.  They would have stayed together better with hot glue but the boys really wanted to make them.

I made pumpkin pies.

We served turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, butternut squash in brown butter, asparagas with hollandaise sauce and delicious buns my mom made.  For dessert, pumpkin pie with whipped cream of course.  We had a nice time together visiting and enjoying the yummy food.

Then on Monday Jason's sister Kailee and her fiance Will came up and we all had a nice big brunch together.  Then we headed to the Calgary Temple for a tour.  It was a very busy day at the temple.  We waited outside for about a half hour.  I wasn't prepared for the cold and had bare feet with sandals.  My toes were pretty frozen by the time we got in the church.  The tour was beautiful and everyone enjoyed it.  When we got back Jason's brother Ty and his wife Jill and son Dane came over for a visit.  We visited and after everyone left Ty, Jill and Dane stayed for leftovers.  I was so happy I had done my big cook on Sunday.  The leftovers were just as delicious without any of the work.

I have so very much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.  I love my family and am so grateful I have a home in which to entertain them.  I'm thankful for our new beautiful temple and the opportunity I will have to go often.  I'm thankful for Jason - for the amazing husband that he is and for the many sacrifices he makes for our family.  I'm thankful for my boys - what a blessing they are to me.  They are such sweet little spirits and hope I can help them grow into the amazing young men I know they are meant to be.  I'm thankful for my musical talents and the opportunity I have to share them with others.  So many things I can't mention them all.  But I am most grateful for my knowledge of who I am, where I came from, and where I am going.  How grateful I am for my Savior and Heavenly Father and all they have blessed me with.

I end this Thanksgiving weekend with a very grateful heart!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Preparing for Company

With it being Thanksgiving weekend we are expecting some company on Sunday.  We usually have Bowen sleep in Ashton's room on the bunk beds and use his room for company.  A couple of days ago I asked Bowen to go and clean his room so Grandma could sleep in it when she visits.  He spent quite a while upstairs - not happily mind you - and I was skeptical as to how much he was accomplishing. 

After teaching lessons Jason told me to go and check Bowen's room.  I was pleasantly surprised at what a good job he had done.

Until closer inspection!

Under the wardrobe!

Under his dresser!

Under the bed!
What a stinker!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Fall Is In the Air

I love this time of year.  A crisp feel in the air, the trees turning beautiful shades of red, orange, and yellow, cozy evenings around the fire.  I wanted to bring a bit of fall indoors so I put a few fall decorations up.

Switched out summer flowers for some fall ones!

The cooler weather makes me very domestic as well.  I've been busy juicing crab apples and making jelly.

I also got some apples from a friends tree and have been making yummy desserts.  The latest apple crisp!  Yum!!

Now to prepare for Thanksgiving this weekend.  I have so much to be thankful for and am looking forward to celebrating with some of our family. I'm also excited to take a few of them to the temple open house on Monday.  It is also General Conference weekend and I always enjoy hearing messages from our prophet and leaders.  Should be a wonderful weekend!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Candy Sushi

Last night for Family Home Evening our lesson was on being "Fishers of Men".  We talked about how Jesus has asked us to follow him and to share the gospel with others.  Then we discussed ways the boys could share the gospel and be missionaries.  With the temple open house the boys have told many of their friends about it and how they got to see the temple.  It has been such a good opportunity to share with others what we believe. 

To go along with with our theme I told the boys I had made "sushi" for a treat.  I got some "yucks", and "I'm not going to eat that", until they saw that it was "candy sushi".

Swedish Fish surrounded by rice krispie square then wrapped in a fruit roll up!
Thanks for the idea Charmaine - they were a big hit!