Blog Title Explanation

"Oh I Know" is a phrase used by Sybil Fawlty on one of my favorite shows - Fawlty Towers. I find I say it alot too!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Best Father's Day Ever

Jason declared yesterday the best Father's Day ever!  We started the day at church.  The boys sang to their dad in sacrament meeting, Ashton gave a talk in primary and Cadence was a little angel.  After church it was time for gifts.  Jason had bought himself a socket set that he had found on sale a few weeks ago and had decided that was his father's day gift.  The boys had made little gifts at school and primary for their dad.

Bowen's homemade card read -

5 Things I Love About My Dad:

1.  He is kind.
2.  He is good at woodwork.
3.  He is a great artist.
4.  He's a good cook.
5.  He has funny jokes.

Cadence was hungry!

We tried for another picture later.

In a much better mood after being fed!

The boys also got their dad the new movie "Robocop".

We made supper - Asian Salad with steak, and watched the movie.

It was a nice, quiet father's day.  I am so grateful I have such a wonderful man to share my life with and that he is a fantastic father to our children.  We couldn't be luckier!

Happy Father's Day!!


  1. What a nice dad. I am enjoying the quiet ones more as I get older. Funny what a little food in the tummy will do for a person. Dinner sounds really good.

  2. Jason is a nice dad, but I meant nice 'day' :)

  3. Love the picture of Jason with his kids. Cadence looks adorable , like she is looking at her big brother Ashton. YOu are a lucky girl Lainie. You found a good man.
    xoxo AUnt Sheila
