Blog Title Explanation

"Oh I Know" is a phrase used by Sybil Fawlty on one of my favorite shows - Fawlty Towers. I find I say it alot too!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Lest We Forget

This morning I went to the Remembrance Day assembly at the boy's school.  I'm embarrassed to say I had never attended before.  The Grade 3s were hosting so I promised Ashton I would come.  It was absolutely beautiful!  We sang O Canada, several of the children shared stories of Great Grandfathers who had been in the war, the kids sang a beautiful song with the words to the poem In Flanders Field.  I didn't expect it to touch me so deeply, I even found myself teary eyed.

I love that the school is teaching our children to be grateful for their freedoms and to remember and show respect towards those who fought and those that lost their lives for us.

Ashton in his cub shirt.

Ashton had a speaking part today and did an awesome job!

On a completely different subject - I fell today!  It hurt!  You know how little kids can fall and jump right back up and feel nothing - me - not so much.  My arm hurts, I have a big bruise on my elbow, have a headache and ache all over.  I was coming out of the bank this morning and walked down the little ramp for wheelchair access and at the very bottom of it my feet just completely went out from under me and I went down hard.  Can I sue the bank - just kidding - sort of.  Plus it was really embarrassing, luckily I don't think anyone saw me.  I think I'll have an early night after a nice soak in the tub!


  1. Every time the bag pipes start playing Amazing Grace...I get chocked up and have to hold back tears.

  2. You sound like you have your mom's luck:)

  3. Oh , so sorry you fell Lainie. I know, I went out today, and caught myself a couple of times. When I was music teacher at SS school, our nicest assemblies were the Remembrance ones. I had lots of beautiful music that my choirs sang. I know that one to the words of In Flanders Field. It was always a tear jerker assembly. Glad you were involved in it. Makes us grateful for freedom and those that provided that for us.
