My "not so little" Bowen is 7 years old. Wow, the years sure fly!
Seven things I love about Bowen ...
1. Bowen is really funny. He has a quick wit and keeps us all laughing.
2. Bowen is very loving - especially towards me. I get hugs and kisses all day long. His new way to kiss me is one on the lips, one on each cheek and one last kiss on my forehead. LOVE IT!!
3. Bowen is very dramatic. He is one fiesty, overdramatic little boy. I think it's fabulous!
4. Bowen has beautiful hair. I love the red in his hair and I hope it doesn't change to much.
5. Bowen is so smart. He loves school, loves to read and learn.
6. Bowen is musical. He loves to sing, and is interested in learning to play instruments.
7. Bowen is creative. He has a great imagination and can create things, or play independently for hours.
This past Saturday we had a party for Bowen. He woke up Saturday morning with a fever and we were worried we were going to have to cancel. We got some tylenol in him and he rested and seemed a bit better by party time.
Bowen invited three buddies from school. They arrived at noon and we had lunch. Hot dogs, chips, grapes, and juice boxes - every little boys favorite!
After lunch we took the boys to a movie. We saw "Wreck It Ralph", the kids enjoyed the movie. I thought it was pretty cute too!
When we got home it was time for presents. Bowen was very excited about his presents. That's another thing I love about Bowen - he is a very gracious gift receiver.
Then it was time for cake. I had seen a cute idea on pinterest to turn a cake into lego bricks. I attempted to duplicate - it wasn't perfect but the boys seemed to like it.
As soon as his friends were picked up - Bowen got to work putting his presents together.
Yesterday was Bowen's actual birthday. Bowen had requested homemade pizza for supper.
Then it was time to open a couple presents.
I wonder if he likes it?? |
Thanking his brother! |