Blog Title Explanation

"Oh I Know" is a phrase used by Sybil Fawlty on one of my favorite shows - Fawlty Towers. I find I say it alot too!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

My New Distraction

It's been a few days since I've blogged.  It's been busy around here - it's always busy around here!  Just like everybody.  We had a great weekend.  It started with going out to dinner as a family on Friday night to Montana's.  Then we ran some errands and I picked up annuals to plant in the yard.  One advantage to purchasing my plants late were they were on sale and I didn't spend too much money.  I've yet to get them planted though - it needs to stop raining!

Saturday went so quickly with a couple more errands and then I got ready for my night out with Sheri.  My cousin Sheri and I went for dinner at Milestones (so yummy), and then went to the musical "Sweeney Todd" at Vertigo Theatre.  I know I've mentioned it before, but I'll say it again - I loooove going to the theatre!  Loved the play.  The music was so good and the creepy storyline is always very fun!!

The boys spent some of their time doing this ...

Ashton is adding to his Spongebob creations, with Gary and Sandy!

My sister visited two days last week.  Her hubby was working in Strathmore for a couple of days and they put him up in a hotel so Rachel and the boys joined him.  While he was working during the day Rachel would come into Calgary to hang out with me.  It was so fun to have her around.  One afternoon we headed to Ikea for lunch and to browse.  While there I made one little purchase.  A pillow for $6.00.

I'm a sucker for anything musical!!

It looks great on my chair in the music room, plus it's comfy!
Finally had a chance to use my cricut machine that Jason and the boys bought me "last" (2011) Mother's Day!  I can see how this could become addicting.  I'm already racking my brain to think of things to make.  First thing was invitations for my students to give to their parents for the year-end recital.

I think they turned out really cute. 

They have been time consuming to make however.  My house is a disaster and needs some serious attention today!!

So that's what we've been up to.  Now to get to work!


  1. WOW, love the Ikea pillow....must get me one too. Trouble is I would probably get to Ikea in Phoenix faster than I can here, for some strange reason. Love your crafty boys.
    Your music invite is just beautiful. Yes, I think that machine could be addicting. So many things you could make.
    Have a good recital. Mine is on the 15th and I leave for a month in Phoenix. YAY. sunshine and a pool. Wonderful relaxing time to unwind from my stressful year of 31 kids. That many again for next year.

  2. What a fun night out we had! I am still hearing all the songs in my head. I watched some youtube clips of the original broadway show and even though the voices were stronger, I think some of the staging choices Mark made were brilliant. I loved Mrs. Lovett!
    Next activity - another creepy one - Frankenstein! The first time I read that was when I was living with you to finish my degree. I think I made you listen to me quote passages, lol!
    Love the pic of the boys at work - so creative.
