Blog Title Explanation

"Oh I Know" is a phrase used by Sybil Fawlty on one of my favorite shows - Fawlty Towers. I find I say it alot too!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Praise the Almighty Onstar

This morning the boys and I were doing our usual morning dash to the bus stop.  I threw on my shoes and reached for my keys and immediately realized my keys were missing.  I thought back to the night before and remembered that Jason and the boys had already gone out to the truck as I finished with my last piano student.  I grabbed my keys locked the door and then threw my keys in the glove box of the truck when we went to soccer.

Thank goodness we have a keypad to open and close the garage.  So it turned out we really did do a morning dash to the bus stop.  The boys ran - I sped walked.  Every once in a while they would stop and wait for me.  Bowen said to me at one point - "Can't you run a little faster mom?"

So after we got home I called Jason at work to complain about my misfortune.  His reply "Why didn't you just call onstar?"  I hadn't even thought of that!  Jason called them for me and within a couple of minutes the doors to my truck were unlocked!! 

Yeah!!  Now I can run my errands today.  Praise the almighty ONSTAR!!


  1. Our world is so convenient now, no more using a wire coat hanger, it is so nice! I am happy all turned out well, have fun running errands!

  2. That is funny I was going to blog about my sudden dash with Cora this morning. She forgot her calculator for final exams and is not allowed to be late. She ran faster than me also. That is pretty cool they can unlock your car from anywhere. Great inventions.
