Blog Title Explanation

"Oh I Know" is a phrase used by Sybil Fawlty on one of my favorite shows - Fawlty Towers. I find I say it alot too!

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Music Recital 2016

End of the school year always brings my year end music recital as well.  I was nervous about this year's recital as I only had 13 students this year and wondered if that many students would be able to present a nice recital for everyone.

My fears proved to be silly as the kids put on a wonderful recital.  The singers were great.  The guitar players did awesome, and the piano players were well prepared and did fabulous.  I was so proud of all of them.  To finish up I played and sang "With a Wink and a Smile", one of my favorites.

I really enjoyed having fewer students this year.  It was much more manageable for me with a busy growing family and less stress on my hubby.  I hope to keep my studio between 10-15 students again this year.  Hopefully I'll be able to find a couple more students.

The day of the recital was really busy.  I spent the morning getting some of the food ready before we were off to Bowen's Grade 4 celebration, and then after getting home and packing up the truck we headed to the church to set up.

My mom came to help again.  I don't know how I'd do my recital without her.  Jason and I got the mics, and food tables ready while mom put all the food on trays.  My boys are always a big help too.

After the performances I had a little reception for everyone.  I served sausage, cheese and crackers, veggie and fruit platters, with cookies, rice krispie squares and cream puffs.

Cadence was a good girl at the recital.  She would say after each performance "we done now?"  I'm excited for when she'll be able to perform.

I always really enjoy talking to parents and students and it is such a wonderful way to finish off the year.  I gets me all fired up again for September.  Now I'll have a much needed break from teaching until then.  Such a great group of kids.


  1. It was great as always. I thoroughly enjoy listening to the students talents and the food was delicious. I look forward to it each year.

  2. You always do such a nice layout and treats after.
