Blog Title Explanation

"Oh I Know" is a phrase used by Sybil Fawlty on one of my favorite shows - Fawlty Towers. I find I say it alot too!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Friday Weigh-In - Week 2

So this morning when I weighed - this week I've lost ...

2 lbs
That makes my total down 5 lbs so far.  I think that is pretty good considering we were away on the weekend - to Jason's family - who let's admit it thinks gravy is a beverage, and it was also my birthday this week.  I exercised 3 times, although I stuck to my power walking DVD, haven't tried my Jillian Michaels DVD again - maybe this week.  My eating has gone really well.  I've been selecting things that are much healthier for me, but I have noticed I've been having more headaches - can we say sugar withdrawal!!  So onto week 3.  I think I'll try a couple of recipes from my "Eat Shrink and be Merry" cookbook that I haven't tried yet.  If anyone has a favorite low cal dinner I'd love to hear about it.  Let's hope my attitude stays positive and these numbers keep going in the right direction.  Til next Friday!!


  1. Have you tried Quinoa Lalainia? It is great and you can make the best salads with it. We should chat about it in Sunday. It's a great meat replacement and I love meat but I have also loved how the quinoa has made me feel. Like I'm satisfied from the protein but I feel so clean and healthy. I can give you some really great recipes for salads if you're interested.
