Blog Title Explanation

"Oh I Know" is a phrase used by Sybil Fawlty on one of my favorite shows - Fawlty Towers. I find I say it alot too!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I Love To See the Temple

Our family had a special experience this evening.  We had the priviledge of touring the newly built Calgary Temple.  They had tours for all construction workers and their families and since Jason has been on the crew doing the architectural painting he was included.  We were allowed to go from 4:00 - 6:00 pm.  Unfortunately I teach piano from 4 - 8:30 p.m. on Tuesdays so we weren't sure how we were going to swing it.  Jason found out that they were having additional tours from 6 - 9 p.m. for residents of Royal Oak.  He asked if it would be possible for us to attend then and we were granted permission.  So I moved my last two students and we headed to the temple at 7:30 p.m.

The boys were so excited to see what their dad has been doing in the temple.  We watched the 13 minute video and then they took us over to the temple.  They have tents set up from the chapel to the temple - which was so nice since it was raining tonight.  Then they take you to the south door of the temple and there was a bit of a walk without tents so we were each given a white umbrella (seriously they have thought of everything).  Then before you enter the temple doors some lovely people place white booties on your feet.

The temple is just beautiful!  Each room with such beautiful lighting, furniture, carpets and details.  When we stepped into the font room I glanced up at the ceiling above the font and took in the beautiful details that Jason helped add to the temple and was overwhelmed with so many feelings.  Feelings of love for my husband, pride, gratitude, love for my Heavenly Father and Savior for all that our family has been blessed with.  I was so emotional and couldn't stop the tears from coming.  I am so grateful that my husband has been able to have this wonderful experience.  It has meant so much to him and will forever mean so much to our entire family. 

In one room is a huge nature mural.  It was painted by the artist Del Parsons.  See if you can spot an owl, two butterflies, two birds and a bee.

The stained glass throughout is gorgeous.  I loved the tables and the sculpted carpets.  Jason pointed out to me in the celestial room that the carpet sculptor had mimicked the bearded wheat that had been added to the detail that was painted on the ceiling.  Be sure to take a look, if you can see past the most beautiful chandelier.

Bowen told me his favorite part was the mirrors in the sealing room that make you look like you go on and on forever - like eternity.  Ashton's favorite was the celestial room.  We can't wait to go again.

If you haven't booked your tour yet be sure to do it right away - you don't want to miss this once in a lifetime opportunity.  Tours can be booked at  or call 1-855-537-2000.  Or call me and I'd love to arrange a tour and go with you.

As Bowen and I were waiting for Jason and Ashton who had run into the Tim Hortons we were singing his favorite primary song - "I Love To See the Temple".  A perfect way to wrap up our evening.  I hope my boys always feel this way.


  1. You're a lucky lady. It sounds just beautiful and I can't wait to see it for myself. I'm booked for Oct. 5th. On Friday I left an invitation for the man who comes on the weekend to clean our office. He came in to see me yesterday morning. He is very excited about going, so we are going to take him with us when we go. I can't wait to see Jason's work as well.
    - Liz Peterson

  2. I hope when I go through that I remember to look for all the things that you and Jason have talked about. About how long is the tour?
