Blog Title Explanation

"Oh I Know" is a phrase used by Sybil Fawlty on one of my favorite shows - Fawlty Towers. I find I say it alot too!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wednesday Weigh In - Week 1

Say the title of this blog 5 times fast!!  So here we are back at Week1.  My first week went okay.  It was a busy week so I didn't do all the things I should.  I weighed this morning and this week I lost ...

2 lbs

A good start.  Now to just keep going in that direction.  I know one habit I need to get out of is eating at night.  After teaching I want a snack and to unwind watching some TV.  I need to be making better choices as to what I'm snacking on.

Speaking of eating we had a bit of a breakthrough with Ashton last night.  Those of you who know us well, know that Ashton is an extremely picky eater.  If we force him to eat anything he doesn't want to he'll gag and just not be able to do it.  I've been talking to Ashton about it alot lately.  I told him that from now on at dinnertime he has to at least try what the rest of us are having - even if it is just a bite or two.

So last night he had a few bites of noodles, corn and ham.  He didn't eat alot, but he did it and he didn't cry or throw it up.  It is baby steps but I'm feeling much better about it.  I think if we keep it up and are patient with him it will improve.

Things I still need to improve on is my water intake, exercising more and stop snacking at night.  Those are my three goals for this week.  See you back here next Wednesday, hopefully with less of me to weigh.


  1. Yay!!! I say that for both you and Ashton. Good job losing 2 pounds! That is awesome. Great to hear about Ashton!! I think you are approaching that in the best way possible.

  2. Ditto what Rachel said. Cora started really making changes in what she ate when she was about 11. Maybe it had something to do with puberty. That is great that he tried it.
