Blog Title Explanation

"Oh I Know" is a phrase used by Sybil Fawlty on one of my favorite shows - Fawlty Towers. I find I say it alot too!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wednesday Weigh In - Week 2

I was nervous to step on the scale this morning.  It is that time of the month - and I feel dreadful and was sure it would show up on my weight.  I was pleased that I had lost ...

.5 lbs

That makes my total 2.5 lbs down.  It wasn't a big weightloss this week but considering the circumstances I thought it was great.  I did better with portion sizes, but I'm still not drinking enough water.  Anyone have any tips out there to encourage me to drink more?  I also need to increase my exercise.  Each week I'm going to concentrate on one goal to hopefully increase my success.  

So the goal this week is to exercise 4 - 5 times.  I'll report back next week on how I did.

In other news, Jason worked late on Monday and was heading home about 8:30 p.m.  As he was about 5 minutes from home one of the tires on his car blew out, it didn't just go flat, it blew out.  It was completely shredded.  So there he was at almost 9:00 p.m. on the side of the road putting the spare on the car.  So now the boys and I are driving the car back and forth to the bus stop until we can get a new tire.  I'm so grateful Jason wasn't on Deerfoot going 100 km when it happened.  Poor guy!  He had a lousy day!


  1. Good job on the loss. Any weight gone no matter how small is great. Especially at the dreaded time of the month. I am glad Jason was close to home that could have been worse.

  2. I have a water bottle that I fill and drink from all day. I know that I have to fill it three times to get my water for the day. It also has a straw which helps me tons to drink more.
