Blog Title Explanation

"Oh I Know" is a phrase used by Sybil Fawlty on one of my favorite shows - Fawlty Towers. I find I say it alot too!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Friday Weigh In

It's Friday again!  Why is life so busy!  I'm hoping this weekend is slower paced and I can feel like I got on top of a few things.  I need to clean my house, get my taxes together, pay bills, do laundry, figure out what to serve for Ashton's baptism etc.   Do you think I'll have enough time?  So I weighed in this morning and I lost ...

0 lbs

Staying the same is okay with me this week.  I've been "monsterating" this week (I loooove Modern Family) and think I am coming down with the kids illness so I'm happy I didn't go up.  I always tend to retain a little water during these times.  Hopefully it will be gone next week along with a little more.  I didn't do quite as well as last week with my exercising.  But I did get on my treadmill 3 times this week.  It is amazing that I think 3 times a week isn't very good when let's be honest I've barely exercised in the past.

However, I only tracked my food about twice this week.  That really is critical for my weightloss.  My goal this week is to track every day except for Friday, Saturday.  I do plan on exercising today and Saturday and then giving myself a day off and then back to exercising each day next week.

To change things up a bit I bought Jenny McCarthy's Your Shape for the Wii last week.  I was excited to try it out and popped it in.  Turns out it only works with the USB camera, but I bought it used and it didn't come with it.  So back to EB Games to return it.  I'm disappointed.  Oh well, I'm still really enjoying the treadmill.  Jason set it up for me in the basement in front of the TV so I can throw on my runners and People's Court and get at it.

Well, I had better get started on that list.  Check back next Friday when I hope to have big numbers to report. 

1 comment:

  1. You didn't gain that is good. To bad about the game that is a bummer.
