Blog Title Explanation
"Oh I Know" is a phrase used by Sybil Fawlty on one of my favorite shows - Fawlty Towers. I find I say it alot too!
Monday, April 30, 2012
Photo A Day April 30th - Something That Makes You Sad
No picture today. I've had a hormonal weekend and had kind of a lousy day yesterday so I've been trying to think positively, have happy thoughts and feel better today. So I don't want to focus on something that makes me sad. So instead, I'll just say I am sad that today is the last day of the Photo A Day challenge I've been doing for April. It has been alot of fun and I may do another month later in the year. But for now - it's over! I'm a little sad!
Photo A Day April 29th - Circle
Yesterday's photo was to be of a circle. Above is a picture of one of my favorite items in my home. It was a great find at home sense a few years ago. Mom and Dad had bought us our TV stand for the family room for Christmas one year and we hung our TV above it and I was looking for something decorative to put on the cabinet. I fell in love this this plate while walking through the store and to top off my happiness it was only $25.00. Don't you love it when that happens.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Photo A Day April 28th - 1:00 p.m.
At 1:00 p.m. today I was making pies for our ward potluck supper tonight. I made lemon meringue, one of Jason's favorites. Yummy!! Made an extra one for our family to enjoy after supper tomorrow.
Photo A Day April 27th - Somewhere You Went
Last night Jason took me on a date night - yay!!! We went to one of our favorite restaurants that we haven't been to for ages - Il Gallo Nero on 17th. We started with calamari, then I had a delicious mushroom and prosciutto risotto, and Jason had veal parmesan. We finished with creme brulee - heaven! Such a great meal and we had such a great time together. It amazes me that we never seem to run out of things to say to each other - I love that! Thanks mom for the anniversary money, it went to very good use.
After dinner we went to the movie "The Raven" with John Cusack as Edgar Allan Poe. I really enjoyed the movie, but have since realized I am turning into my father as I came home after and researched all about the life of Poe. There is a bit of gore, but a good psychological thriller. Thanks for a great date night hunny!
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Photo A Day April 26th - Black & White
I searched my house - high and low - for something black and white. NOTHING! So I know it is boring, but here is a black & white photo of me in a black and white blouse. It's almost the end of the month, I'm starting to fizzle.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Photo A Day April 25th - Looking Down
This is the view "looking down" from the second story of my home as I exit my bedroom. I love this view and compared with the rest of the house it is usually kept fairly clean. I love the vaulted ceilings and the open floor plan. The plans for this room are to someday change the paint colour and to put down hardwood floors. It will be stunning - someday!
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Photo A Day April 24th - Something You're Grateful For
This is a picture of Kenny's memory box. For those of you who do not know on May 2, 2008 our 3rd son Kenneth David was stillborn. If you want to read about his birth you can read it in the archives of my blog on May 2nd, 2011. Maybe you are wondering why I included this picture today. At the end of the month the photo we are supposed to take is "something that makes you sad". I had originally thought I would take this picture and include it on that day but the more I thought about it that just didn't seem right. I must admit there is definitely some sadness when I look at the items in this memory box, but the much stronger emotion is of gratitude.
I'm grateful for all these little memories I have of the short time Kenny was with us. Inside the box is the little hat, outfit and blanket he was wrapped in at the hospital. A little teddy bear the hospital put beside him as we took some pictures. His ultrasound pictures. A small photo album. Wrist braclets. Sympathy cards from so many of our family and friends. A piece of the material we used to line his little casket. His footprints. A rose from his funeral.
I don't look in the box quite as often as I used too. But I still do find myself going to it every once in awhile to remember. It has been on my mind alot lately as next week is the 4th anniversary of his birth. I'm grateful for the items I have to help me remember and am very grateful to have gone through this experience in a time when hospitals and doctors and nurses are so sensitive to the needs of parents.
I'm grateful to be Kenny's mom.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Photo A Day April 23rd - Vegetable
Supper my hubby made me out of leftovers from dinner yesterday. Included lots of vegetables - spinach salad with poppy seed dressing, and a baked potato topped with chili. Very yummy!
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Photo A Day April 22nd - The Last Thing I Bought
These tulips were the last thing to go down the conveyor belt when I got groceries on Saturday. I used the excuse that we were having company on Sunday and it would be nice to have fresh flowers to greet them at the front door. Honestly, I would have fresh flowers in my house every day if I could afford it. Apparently great minds think alike, because on my cousin's blog she has a photo of tulips as well (check her out at my side bar under whistlepunch and mallowmelts).
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Friday, April 20, 2012
Photo A Day April 20th - Something You Drew
If you are confused maybe I should explain. As my children point out regularly I can't even draw stick men - but I can draw a bath!! Now you'll excuse me while I go and enjoy. Good night!
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Photo A Day April 19th - Orange
I warned you that some of my photos this month would be quite literal. As I was walking through Walmart today I couldn't help but notice these massive oranges. Look at the size of it compared to a regular sized orange on the right. I wonder which one will be sweeter.
I also got my new scentsy wax today. Trying out the "Sunkissed Citrus" - love it!!
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Photo A Day April 18th - Hair
So I did the next best thing and married a redhead. The above pictures are of my son Bowen. I love the colour of his hair. Especially the really dark red hair on the back of his head. It is one of the reasons I keep his hair long because underneath it seems to be coming in much blonder. It breaks my heart a little! I'm curious what it will do during the summer months. Red hair or not he's a pretty sweet little boy - so I guess it will be okay.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Photo A Day April 17th - Something You Don't Like
I don't like being under the weather AGAIN! I had a cold at Ashton's baptism on March 17th. I've had said cold on and off for an entire month. This morning I awoke with a sore throat, clogged sinuses, a sinus headache and an achy body. I'm ready to feel better - this is getting old really fast!!
Monday, April 16, 2012
Photo A Day April 16th - Flower
I mentioned yesterday to Jason that my photo for today was a flower. My hint went unnoticed however when Jason ran to Sobey's for groceries today and came home without any flowers. So due to the lack of the fresh variety I took a picture of a halogram picture of a rose that we bought on our honeymoon. This picture of it doesn't do it justice. It is only a 2 1/2 inch square picture and is framed and displayed on our bookcase in the family room. I love having items in my home that have sentimental value and a story behind them.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Photo A Day April 15th - Sunset
When the temple was first announced I had mixed feelings about it. I liked the thought of being able to go to the temple more often and having it right in the city we lived in, but I also have alot of deep feelings about the Cardston temple. It is very special to me for lots of reasons, especially since Jason and I were married there. As the temple gets closer to being completed, I am getting so excited for the opportunity we will have to have this temple so close to us. I can't wait for the Open House, it will be wonderful to be able to take family and friends to see our new temple. I'm anxious to see how beautiful it will be and the spirit that will be there. I couldn't imagine a more beautiful sunset picture.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Friday, April 13, 2012
Photo A Day April 13th - Something You Found
Okay I'll admit it I took these pictures last night. But they were just to gorgeous not to share. We had the most beautiful snowfall yesterday. With the biggest, fluffiest snowflakes I'd ever seen.
Okay I'll admit it I took these pictures last night. But they were just to gorgeous not to share. We had the most beautiful snowfall yesterday. With the biggest, fluffiest snowflakes I'd ever seen.
Friday Weigh In
Curse you mini eggs! Why do you need to be so delicious and so plentiful. I did pretty good with my eating this week (but I didn't keep track - boo!) except for the mini eggs. I found myself eating them by the handful. I also didn't exercise like I should have. I was tired this week. I'm sure it was because I wasn't eating properly and I was still trying to get rid of this cold. I plan on jumping on my treadmill right after I write this and get myself back on track.
When I weighed this morning I wasn't surprised that I've gained ...
When I weighed this morning I wasn't surprised that I've gained ...
1 lb
No more excuses. This week I will track my food, drink lots of water and exercise 5 days. Plus, the mini eggs are all gone. Whew!
Thursday, April 12, 2012
The Best Present
The "Easter Bunny" brought the boys the best present this year. I wish she/he (I'm not sure which the Easter Bunny is) would have brought them years ago. I don't even need to remind them to brush their teeth!
Gotta love the spinbrush!
Gotta love the spinbrush!
Photo A Day April 12th - Stairs
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Photo A Day April 11th - Where You Ate Breakfast
I ate breakfast at home on the kitchen island this morning. I made Bowen's favorite so I decided to have a good start to my day and join him. French toast, pear slices, and a glass of orange juice.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Photo A Day April 10th - Cold
It is always nice to enjoy a "cold" drink while teaching. My break is almost over - back at it for a couple more hours.
Photo A Day April 9th - Younger You
An Amazing Talent
For those of you that don't know my husband is an amazing artist. One of my favorite pictures in our home is of a woman's back that Jason drew years ago.
His portraits are some of the best I've ever seen.

Sorry for the reflection - it is behind glass. |
Jason's latest work was a commissioned painting of four dogs. He got a referral from another artist that he knows. He was given pictures of the dogs as well as the basic idea of what they wanted the picture to look like. He drew a basic sketch on canvas and emailed a photo to the girl to get her approval. After she gave the go ahead he got to work painting. I must admit I was a bit nervous that she wanted a painting, as most of the art that I've seen Jason produce have been pencil or charcoal pieces. I should have known better - I've come to realize that there isn't much Jason can't do.
I hope the receiver of the painting will enjoy it in her home. I'm so proud of Jason. He's an amazing man in so many ways. How lucky am I?
Photo A Day April 8th - Inside Your Wallet
Here is the inside of my wallet. Full of receipts, debit, credit cards, AHC cards, driver's license etc. No cash, and a bunch of coins. I like my wallet. It has lots of space for everything, is very pretty, fits well in my purses. The only problem is the coin compartment has a big hole in the bottom of it. Everytime I get my wallet out to pay for something I drop coins all over the floor. It's very annoying!
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Photo A Day April 7th - Shadow
Today's photo was shadow. Here is a picture of Ashton's shadow while hunting for easter eggs today. It was a bit overcast when we started, but eventually the sun came out and I was able to get this shot.
We invited some friends over for a barbecue and easter egg hunt today. When they first arrived the kids decorated their bags.
Bowen's cheeks full of candy!! |
The kids had a great time together. It was nice enough that they could play outside and I'm sure they will all crash tonight. We were glad Brent and Laura and the kids were able to come over today. I enjoyed getting to know them better.
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