Blog Title Explanation

"Oh I Know" is a phrase used by Sybil Fawlty on one of my favorite shows - Fawlty Towers. I find I say it alot too!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Photo A Day April 24th - Something You're Grateful For

This is a picture of Kenny's memory box.  For those of you who do not know on May 2, 2008 our 3rd son Kenneth David was stillborn.  If you want to read about his birth you can read it in the archives of my blog on May 2nd, 2011.  Maybe you are wondering why I included this picture today.  At the end of the month the photo we are supposed to take is "something that makes you sad".  I had originally thought I would take this picture and include it on that day but the more I thought about it that just didn't seem right.  I must admit there is definitely some sadness when I look at the items in this memory box, but the much stronger emotion is of gratitude.

I'm grateful for all these little memories I have of the short time Kenny was with us.  Inside the box is the little hat, outfit and blanket he was wrapped in at the hospital.  A little teddy bear the hospital put beside him as we took some pictures.  His ultrasound pictures.  A small photo album.  Wrist braclets.  Sympathy cards from so many of our family and friends.  A piece of the material we used to line his little casket.  His footprints.  A rose from his funeral.

I don't look in the box quite as often as I used too.  But I still do find myself going to it every once in awhile to remember.  It has been on my mind alot lately as next week is the 4th anniversary of his birth.  I'm grateful for the items I have to help me remember and am very grateful to have gone through this experience in a time when hospitals and doctors and nurses are so sensitive to the needs of parents. 

I'm grateful to be Kenny's mom.

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